I Do Too

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Malia's pov:

About a month passes by since Ruby's hospitalization. Morgan is...well...let's just say...loco. She's be rly rly different, and i wouldn't blame her, but i just miss the old her. Now she's getting in trouble left and right because of her anger issues...she hasn't been going out of her house at all, only for groceries and to go to school. Her apartment looks cleaner than normal, so I guess she hasn't fully lost it. But she's about to.

She's currently at the hospital with Ruby.

Morgan's pov:

After last month, the only thing really keeping me going, is knowing that Ruby might be ok, despite the low chance of living. I can't lose all hope.

As I hold her hand, I start talking to her a little bit, to ease my mind even just a little.

"Ruby love? I hope you can hear me, I just want you to know, I'll love you no matter what, you've been my whole world since we were just 10." I laugh a little at the thought, then continue, "I know we didn't just start dating until a couple days before the accident, but...it's our one month anniversary! And I have a little gift for you." As I'm getting my gift for her, she squeezes my hand and says.

"I do too." Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper, but I know, I know. She was trying her best, and that's all that mattered.

I was too stunned to speak. So I just grabbed her face, her head was still on the bed obviously, I don't wanna kill my gf. So I gave her a long, soft kiss that I didn't want to end. But I sadly had to if I wanted her to get out.

I pull back and she says something, "surprise!"

"Wait how long were you actually up?" I asked her, cuz this timing was a little odd.

"I heard your whole little speech, you're cute little giggle, and you told me you love me." As she said that she started to tear up, and I pulled her in for one more long soft kiss. Which was then ruined by the doctor walking in. 'Ugh why did he have to come on now?!'

I pull back, staring into her eyes, until the doctor spoke up.

"Looks like someone's awake. May you give us a second? We need to run tests on Miss Turner. Is that okay with you Miss Dudley?"

"Whatever gets her out of here faster." As I say that I give him a small reassuring smile.

'I gotta tell everybody'

And that's exactly what I said. They all agreed they'd set up a little something in my apartment. God I am so grateful for them.

Even tho I might've  be...off the rails recently to say the least. But i have noticed something off about Peder, like, depressed almost, although he's still being his gentlemen self, there's something he's hiding something. But for now. All I needed was for Ruby to get out the hospital.


There you go I fixed it. Now we can actually focus on 'The Oblivious Two' I just need to add those last chapters, because it's all gonna come full circle. I'll probably do one more chapter before the actual story that you guys haven't actually complained about yet (shockingly) because we need to know why Morgan's parents are so abusive, why Malia's are so...weird? protective? smth like that, and also why Peder's parents are dead. { Type you're theories please cuz I might be able to use it ;) }

603 words

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