chapter 4__

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***Author's pov***

A sharp knock echoed through the grand chamber, pulling Zyrian from his silent reverie. His amber eyes flickered briefly with irritation, but his expression remained composed, the practiced stoicism of a king. With a slight wave of his hand, the mirror shimmered and vanished, hidden from sight by his powers, its surface fading into the background as though it had never existed.

He rose from his chair, his tall, imposing frame casting a shadow across the room as he turned toward the door. The heavy doors creaked open, and a maid, dressed in the traditional garb of the Eryndor Dynasty, bowed low before stepping inside. Her voice was soft but urgent, her eyes kept carefully downcast as she spoke.

"Your Majesty, the Great Cosmos Teller has arrived," she announced, her words laced with respect and just the slightest hint of fear.

Zyrian's eyes flickered with interest, though his expression remained as cold and unmoving as ever. The Cosmos Teller-the most revered oracle of the galaxy-was a being of immense power, capable of seeing the threads of fate woven across the stars. Their arrival was no small event, and Zyrian had been anticipating this meeting for some time. It was the next step in his grand plan, one that would lead him to the secrets hidden in the universe-and perhaps, to the woman he had just been watching.

"Bring them to the chamber," he commanded, his voice deep and authoritative, leaving no room for hesitation.

The maid nodded quickly and retreated, the doors closing behind her with a soft thud. Zyrian turned his gaze back to where the mirror had once stood, his thoughts briefly returning to the woman he had seen. She would have to wait, for now. There were greater things at play, and the cosmos itself was about to reveal its secrets to him.

With one last glance, Zyrian steeled himself, his mind shifting from desire to ambition, as he prepared to face the one being who could guide him on his path to ultimate power.

Zyrian strode through the grand corridors of his palace with a sense of gravity, his long black robes flowing behind him. The soft hum of energy that filled the air around the floating city seemed to grow quieter in his presence, as if the very atmosphere recognized the weight of the moment. His steps were measured, his expression unwavering, as he made his way toward the hall where the Great Cosmos Teller awaited.

The palace's crystalline walls gleamed under the light of Oracle's moons, casting fragmented reflections of Zyrian's imposing figure as he passed. His mind, sharp and calculating, focused on the task ahead. The Cosmos Teller was no ordinary visitor. Their arrival signaled a turning point in his quest for greater power, for knowledge that extended beyond the stars and time itself.

As he neared the hall, the doors slid open soundlessly, revealing the vast chamber where the Teller stood waiting. The hall was immense, with towering pillars of shimmering quartz that reached up to the vaulted ceiling, the air thick with the charged energy of the universe itself. At the center of the room, surrounded by a soft glow of ethereal light, stood the Cosmos Teller, their face hidden beneath a flowing hood of deep indigo, adorned with stars and constellations that seemed to shift as they moved.

Zyrian's gaze was intense as he approached, his steps echoing in the silence of the chamber. He slowed only as he came to stand before the Teller, his amber eyes locked on the veiled figure before him. His expression betrayed no emotion, but the weight of the encounter was palpable.

"Speak," he commanded, his voice low and commanding, "Tell me what the cosmos reveals."

The Teller, still and silent, slowly lifted their head, and through the veil, Zyrian could feel the ancient, boundless wisdom that lay within their eyes. The air around them grew heavy with anticipation as the Teller prepared to unveil the secrets of the universe that would shape Zyrian's destiny.

The Teller's lips curved into a slow, knowing smile as they looked at Zyrian, their eyes gleaming with the weight of the message they were about to deliver. The ethereal light that surrounded them seemed to pulse, casting an eerie glow across the chamber. Zyrian stood tall and unflinching, though a flicker of curiosity stirred within him-rare, but undeniable.

"The cosmos has spoken," the Teller began, their voice smooth and echoing as though carried by the winds of space itself. "A great disturbance is unfolding, one that will ripple through the very fabric of the universe."

Zyrian's gaze sharpened, his mind already calculating the potential threats or opportunities that lay ahead.

"The King of the Faies Dynasty," the Teller continued, their tone growing darker, "is moving. He seeks the Sword of Oracle-a weapon of unimaginable power, one said to control the balance of all creation. If he acquires it, the consequences will be dire, not just for your reign, but for the entire galaxy."

For the first time, a faint shadow of concern crossed Zyrian's stoic features. The Sword of Oracle was more than a myth; it was a legendary artifact, one that was said to hold the power to reshape worlds, to rewrite destiny itself. And in the hands of the Faies Dynasty, known for their cunning and unpredictable nature, it could spell disaster.

"The Sword cannot fall into his hands," the Teller warned, their smile fading as the seriousness of the situation deepened. "He is already making his move, and the battle for it has begun in the farthest reaches of space. If the King of the Faies succeeds, the galaxy will tremble, and not even the power of the Eryndor Dynasty will be enough to stop what comes next."

Zyrian's fists clenched at his sides, his amber eyes narrowing with intensity. He wasn't one to shy away from conflict or challenge, but this news was not something to be taken lightly. The Faies Dynasty, with their mystical powers and unpredictable ambitions, were formidable, and if they acquired the sword, it could change the balance of power forever.

"And what does the cosmos say of my fate in this?" Zyrian asked, his voice steady but filled with purpose.

The Teller's eyes seemed to glow brighter as they gazed upon him, their expression unreadable. "Your fate, King Zyrian, is intertwined with the sword. But whether you conquer or fall, the stars have yet to decide."

With that, they stepped back, leaving the heavy weight of their words to linger in the air. Zyrian's mind raced, already plotting his next move. There was no choice but to act swiftly, to ensure that the power of the Sword of Oracle remained out of reach of his enemies.

His reign-and perhaps the fate of the universe-depended on it.


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