chapter 6__

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***author's pov**"

Sia twirled gracefully in her room, the soft hum of her music filling the space as she danced with effortless joy. The room was her sanctuary, a place where she could escape the constraints of her everyday life and immerse herself in the freedom of movement. Her steps were fluid and precise, each motion a reflection of her love for dance.

The rhythm of the music guided her movements, and as she danced, her hourglass figure moved with a natural elegance. Her light brown skin glowed with the exertion and happiness of her performance. The simple yet effective exercise kept her fit and agile, and it was clear in the way her body flowed seamlessly with the beat.

With each turn and leap, she felt a sense of liberation, her worries melting away as she lost herself in the dance. It was her way of expressing her emotions and staying connected to herself, a private celebration of her strength and grace. In this moment, the world outside her room ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the rhythm and the joy it brought her.

As she completed her routine, a smile of satisfaction played on her lips. The dance had been both a physical and emotional release, leaving her feeling refreshed and at peace. For Sia, dancing was more than just a hobby; it was a vital part of who she was, a way to maintain her figure and, more importantly, a way to find happiness within herself.

After her invigorating dance session, Sia settled down at her small dining table to eat. Her meal was simple yet satisfying, a reflection of her practical nature. As she finished, she wiped her hands and reached for her phone, her mind shifting from the energy of dance to the calm of her digital world.

She scrolled through her phone, glancing at notifications and messages with a casual ease. Her fingers moved quickly over the screen, navigating through social media feeds, news updates, and occasional texts from friends. Despite her aversion to forming close bonds, she kept in touch with a few acquaintances and stayed informed about her interests.

As she swiped through posts, her expression remained relaxed, her thoughts wandering between the day's events and whatever new information or distraction the internet had to offer. It was a peaceful moment of solitude, allowing her to unwind and connect with the outside world in her own way.

As Sia scrolled through her phone, she began to mutter to herself, her thoughts spilling out as she interacted with the digital world.

"Another day, another set of posts," she said with a soft chuckle, rolling her eyes at a particularly trivial news headline. "I swear, some people have no sense of privacy."

Her gaze lingered on a picture of a friend’s vacation. "Must be nice to travel so freely," she mused. "I can barely manage to get out of the city for a weekend."

Flipping through messages, she paused on a text from her younger brother. "Still asking if I need anything? I’m not that helpless," she murmured, smiling at his thoughtful, if somewhat overprotective, nature.

"Well, I suppose it’s good he cares," she continued, tapping out a quick reply. "Just wish he’d trust me a little more."

Her voice trailed off as she continued scrolling, her self-conversation reflecting a blend of amusement and contemplation. In these moments, talking to herself was a way of processing her thoughts and feelings, adding a personal touch to her interactions with the world around her.

Sia picked up the small hand mirror from her bedside table, holding it in her hand as she stared at her reflection. Her face was lit by the soft glow of her room’s lights, and she began to talk to herself, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and introspection.

"Sometimes I wonder if the world is just a stage for people to show off their facades," she said, her eyes locked on her reflection. "Everywhere you look, it's the same mockery—people pretending to be something they're not, showing off like it's a competition."

She leaned in closer to the mirror, examining the line of moles from her eyebrow to her shoulder with a thoughtful look. "At least I’ve got my own unique marks," she murmured. "They’re real, and they’re mine. No pretense, no hiding. Just... me."

She sighed, leaning back and setting the mirror down on the table. "It’s exhausting, trying to wade through all the nonsense and find something genuine. Sometimes, it feels like everyone’s just playing a part in a never-ending charade."

Her reflection seemed to echo her sentiments, a silent companion to her musings. She tilted her head, a small, wistful smile touching her lips. "I suppose that’s why I stick to myself. Less drama, less disappointment. Just my own space, my own thoughts."

With that, she set the mirror back down and turned her attention back to her phone, the weight of her reflections lingering in the quiet room.

Zyrian’s smirk deepened as he observed Sia through the hidden reflection of the mirror, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and intrigue. Her words about the world being full of mockery and pretense struck a chord with him, but not in the way one might expect.

"So, she finds the world boring and full of pretense," he mused quietly to himself, his voice carrying a hint of dark amusement. "How fascinating."

His thoughts turned to her unique perspective, and he couldn't help but find her candidness refreshing amidst the facade of courtly intrigue and political maneuvering he was accustomed to. To Zyrian, her disillusionment with the world was not merely a reflection of her character—it was an opportunity.

"A rare perspective," he continued, his smirk widening. "One that could be quite useful. If she sees the world as a stage of deception, perhaps she will understand the true nature of power and manipulation. Perhaps she will be a player in this grand game, rather than just a spectator."

The implications of her words and the curiosity they sparked within him were not lost on Zyrian. He had seen many people throughout his reign, but Sia's straightforward disdain for societal facades intrigued him. It was another piece in the puzzle of understanding her place in the cosmic play he was orchestrating.

"Indeed, this could be interesting," he concluded, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully as he contemplated how her unique outlook might fit into his broader plans.

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