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***Author's pov***

In the stillness of midnight, Sia was jolted awake by a searing warmth emanating from the ring on her finger. It pulsed with an intense glow, illuminating her room in an ethereal light. The heat grew unbearable, wrapping around her like a fiery grip, and a scream escaped her lips before she could stop it.

Startled, she sat up, heart racing, her breath quickening as the light brightened further. “What’s happening?” she gasped, trying to shake off the drowsiness that clung to her. The ring felt alive, vibrating with energy, as if it were summoning her to something greater.

As she clutched her hand, Sia could barely think straight. The air around her shimmered, and she felt a powerful force pulling her toward the mirror. It was as if the portal the old woman had hinted at was opening, the barrier between worlds beginning to blur.

“Please, not again!” she cried, but the ring seemed to have a mind of its own. It compelled her, urging her to stand and move closer to the mirror, where the surface began to ripple like water. The reflection shifted, revealing a glimpse of a star-filled sky and distant landscapes that looked nothing like her own.

With a mixture of fear and curiosity, Sia took a hesitant step forward, feeling the energy coursing through her veins. “What do you want from me?” she shouted, her voice echoing in the stillness.

In response, the ring burned even brighter, and she felt a sudden rush of power surge through her, filling her with an overwhelming sense of purpose. Just then, she understood that this was the moment of change she had been anticipating.

As she braced herself, the ring pulled her closer, and she knew she was on the brink of crossing into a world beyond her imagination. The scream of the ring mingled with her own as she felt herself being drawn into the portal, ready or not.

Sia’s mind exploded with a cacophony of colors and sensations as she was drawn into the vast portal. It felt as though time and space were collapsing around her, the familiar world dissolving into a swirling vortex of light. Each second stretched into eternity, her thoughts racing through memories and fears while anticipation electrified her veins.

The brilliance enveloped her, a whirlwind of stars and celestial bodies dancing just beyond her reach. She felt weightless, suspended between worlds, as the essence of the Oracle planet beckoned her with whispers of destiny and magic. The ring burned fiercely, almost as if it were fueling this surreal journey.

Amidst the chaos, fragments of visions flashed before her—glimpses of Zyrian, his amber eyes filled with intensity; landscapes of vibrant colors, impossible structures rising against a starlit sky; and echoes of voices, both familiar and foreign, calling out to her.

“Embrace it!” one voice urged, resonating with an ancient wisdom.

Suddenly, she felt a powerful tug, and in an instant, the portal spat her out onto solid ground. She landed softly, the warmth of the air wrapping around her like a comforting embrace. Blinking against the brightness, Sia looked up to see a breathtaking landscape before her—lush fields dotted with luminescent flowers, towering crystal structures that glinted under multiple moons, and a sky painted with swirling galaxies.

She stood up, awe-struck, taking in the beauty around her. This was the Oracle planet—a realm that felt both alien and enchanting. Yet, amidst the wonder, a flicker of apprehension lingered in her heart. What awaited her here?

As she steadied herself, the realization hit her: there was no turning back. The adventure had just begun, and Sia was determined to uncover the mysteries of this new world and her place within it.

Sia tried to stand up, but a wave of dizziness washed over her, threatening to pull her back down. She stumbled, her vision spinning as she grasped at the grass beneath her, trying to steady herself. The vibrant colors of the Oracle planet blurred together, creating a surreal tapestry that both fascinated and overwhelmed her.

“Breathe,” she whispered to herself, focusing on the rhythm of her breath. The air here was different—charged with energy and a hint of sweetness that filled her lungs. Slowly, she closed her eyes, allowing herself a moment to regain her composure.

As she concentrated, images of her journey flooded back: the mirror, the ring, the old woman’s words. They echoed in her mind, reminding her of the purpose behind this unexpected adventure.

Opening her eyes again, Sia took in her surroundings with renewed clarity. The shimmering landscape sparkled under the light of five moons, casting an otherworldly glow. She could hear the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of strange creatures, all adding to the enchanting atmosphere.

Pushing herself up, she steadied her balance, feeling the power of the ring on her finger. It pulsed softly, grounding her in this new reality. “I can do this,” she murmured, determination igniting within her.

Just then, she noticed movement in the distance—a figure approaching her. Heart pounding, she prepared herself, unsure of what or who to expect. The moment was charged with uncertainty, but she was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

A tall man approached her, his silhouette framed by the shimmering light of the moons. Sia shook her head, willing herself to focus and shake off the dizziness that clung to her like a fog. As he drew nearer, the details of his features began to emerge—sharp jawline, deep-set amber eyes, and dark hair that seemed to catch the light in an almost ethereal way.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice smooth and rich, carrying a hint of concern.

Sia blinked, trying to steady herself. “I— I think so,” she stammered, her heart racing at the sight of him. There was something both commanding and magnetic about him that made her pulse quicken.

He stepped closer, assessing her with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. “You’ve just arrived from Earth, haven’t you? The transition can be overwhelming.”

“How do you know that?” she replied, her voice stronger now, though uncertainty still lingered.

“I’ve seen it before,” he said, his gaze unwavering. “You’re not the first to come through the portal. But you are special, Sia.”

Her breath hitched. “You know my name?”

He nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. “The ring you wear has a connection to this world. You have much to discover.”

Sia felt a spark of defiance. “I didn’t ask for this. I just want to understand what’s happening.”

The man’s expression softened. “I understand. My name is Zyrian Nyxion, king of the Eryndor dynasty. You’ve been brought here for a reason, and I can help you uncover it.”

As she absorbed his words, the dizziness began to fade, replaced by a mix of apprehension and curiosity. Zyrian's presence felt powerful, and somehow, she knew this was only the beginning of a journey that would change everything.

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