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***author's pov***

As Sia walked toward her school, her heart raced when she spotted the same old woman from the day before. The woman stood at the edge of the sidewalk, her presence both eerie and strangely familiar. Dressed in tattered robes, she seemed to shimmer slightly in the morning light, as if she were part of the very air around her.

Sia hesitated, recalling the unsettling feeling that had washed over her the last time they met. She felt a pull, an inexplicable urge to approach, yet a wave of caution washed over her. The memory of the old woman vanishing into thin air lingered in her mind.

“Do you seek answers, child?” the woman’s voice was raspy yet melodic, cutting through Sia’s thoughts.

Sia’s curiosity piqued. “Who are you?” she asked, her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her stomach.

“I am a guide, a keeper of secrets,” the woman replied, her amber eyes glinting with wisdom. “The ring you wear is more than a trinket. It is a key to realms unknown.”

Sia’s hand instinctively went to the ring on her finger, feeling its warmth beneath her touch. “What do you mean? What realms?”

The old woman smiled knowingly. “The Oracle planet calls to you. It is time for you to embrace your destiny.”

Before Sia could respond, the woman took a step back, her form flickering like a candle in the wind. “Seek the portal, and you shall find what you seek. But be wary—great power comes with great responsibility.”

With that, the old woman vanished, leaving Sia standing there, both bewildered and intrigued. The weight of her words hung in the air, fueling her desire to uncover the truth behind the ring and the mysterious destiny awaiting her. She continued her walk to school, a mix of excitement and trepidation bubbling within her as she wondered what the day would bring.

The day went on as usual for Sia, filled with classes and the mundane chatter of her friends. Yet, something felt different. She noticed that no boys could come close to her; every time one tried to reach out, an electric spark seemed to pulse between them the moment they touched or even approached too closely.

At first, it was subtle—a brief pause in conversation, a startled expression when Josh had tried to give her a friendly nudge. But as the day progressed, it became more pronounced. The boys in her class exchanged glances, uncertainty etched on their faces, while Sia felt a strange mixture of confusion and empowerment.

During lunch, as she sat with her friends, she couldn’t shake the feeling that the ring was the cause. The energy radiating from it seemed to form an invisible barrier, keeping her safe but also isolating her. When a classmate named Rohan reached over to grab a fry from her tray, he jerked his hand back as if shocked.

“What was that?” he asked, looking bewildered. “It felt like I touched a live wire!”

Sia’s heart raced. "I don't know," she replied, trying to keep her voice calm. “Maybe it’s just a coincidence?”

But deep down, she sensed that it was more than that. The ring’s magic was protecting her, creating an unseen wall that kept others at bay. While it was somewhat comforting, it also left her feeling more isolated than ever.

As the day wore on, Sia’s thoughts drifted to the old woman’s words about destiny and the Oracle planet. The power of the ring was beginning to reveal itself in unexpected ways, and she wondered how it would all tie together. Would she always be alone, or was this just the beginning of something greater?

Sia walked back home, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and irritation. Each step felt heavier as she replayed the day's events—how every time someone tried to get close, that electric barrier jolted them back, leaving her feeling isolated.

The familiar streets that usually brought her comfort now felt stifling. As she passed by the houses, their cheerful lights glimmering in the dusk, she couldn’t shake the frustration boiling inside her. Why was this happening? Why her?

When she finally reached her front door, she hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath before stepping inside. The warmth of her home was a stark contrast to the turmoil inside her. She dropped her bag by the door and made her way to her room, needing space to think.

Once inside, she paced back and forth, her thoughts racing. "Is it the ring?" she mumbled to herself. "Am I meant to be alone? This isn’t what I wanted."

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she glanced at the mirror on her dresser, the ring gleaming faintly in the soft light. It was beautiful and powerful, but it felt like a curse at the moment. Sia picked up the hand mirror, examining her reflection—her heart-shaped lips, her light brown skin, the moles that lined up perfectly. They were all parts of her, yet today they felt like barriers to the world outside.

"What do you want from me?" she whispered to the ring, hoping for an answer. But the silence only deepened her frustration.

As she lay back on her bed, staring at the ceiling, she couldn’t shake the feeling that change was coming. She just didn’t know if she was ready for it. The confusion and irritation mingled with a flicker of excitement; perhaps her life was about to take a turn she had never anticipated.

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