*dephlia... the witch*

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***Author's pov***

The next solar dawned with a soft, golden light spilling into Zyrian’s chamber, filtering through the intricate latticework of the windows. The warmth of the morning sun blended with the fading glow of the moons, casting a serene balance between night and day. Zyrian awoke, his amber eyes fluttering open as the quiet hum of his palace filled the air.

His mind, sharp as ever, immediately picked up where it had left off the night before. He stretched, rising from his bed with an air of calm authority, the plans of the previous solar still lingering in his thoughts. The memory of Sia, her reflection captured in the mirror, tugged at the edges of his consciousness, fueling his quiet determination.

Zyrian walked across the room, his robe flowing behind him as he made his way to the balcony once more. The view of Oracle’s vibrant skies greeted him, now a canvas of warm, brilliant light that danced across the five moons, still visible in the distance.

With a sigh, he turned his attention back to the pressing matters of the solar. Today, the issue of Galadros, the King of Faies, weighed heavily on him. The threat of the Sword of Oracle falling into the wrong hands was too great to ignore. Yet, amidst these grand matters, the Teller’s cryptic words about the cosmos shifting remained fresh in his mind.

“Something is changing,” he muttered under his breath, feeling the stirrings of fate.

With his gaze steady, Zyrian left the balcony, preparing himself for the solar ahead. He knew that today would demand both strength and strategy, but his thoughts lingered momentarily on Sia. Little did she know that the universe was in motion—and she was unknowingly at the heart of it.

Today, he would move closer to both the Sword and her, and the cosmos would begin to reveal the role they were destined to play in his life.

Zyrian straightened his robe and stepped out of his chamber, his expression composed but the intensity in his amber eyes betraying the weight of the solar ahead. He walked with measured steps down the grand corridors of the Eryndor palace, his destination clear—Dephlia, the royal witch of the Eryndor dynasty.

The halls were lined with dark, towering pillars, adorned with the symbols of Eryndor’s power and dominance. The air crackled faintly with magical energy as Zyrian passed by, a reminder of the formidable forces at his command. But for this matter, he needed more than strength—he needed the knowledge and foresight that only Dephlia possessed.

As he neared the witch’s chamber, the atmosphere grew heavier, charged with the ancient and mystical energy that surrounded her. The chamber doors loomed ahead, carved from dark wood and engraved with runes that seemed to pulse with life.

Zyrian pushed the doors open and entered.

Inside, Dephlia awaited him, sitting atop a raised platform draped in velvet. Her piercing violet eyes met Zyrian’s, and a small, knowing smile crept across her lips. Her long, silver hair flowed down her back, and her presence was as otherworldly as it was powerful. Incense filled the air, curling around the room in thin tendrils of smoke, and the faint hum of magic vibrated through the walls.

"Ah, Zyrian," Dephlia greeted, her voice smooth and enigmatic. "I felt your approach. What troubles the king of Eryndor today?"

Zyrian’s gaze was unwavering as he stepped closer, his tone low and serious. "The cosmos tellers have informed me of a disturbance—Galadros, the king of the Faies, is making a move for the Sword of Oracle. But that’s not all... there is another shift, something deeper, and I believe you know what I’m referring to."

Dephlia's smile widened slightly as she stood, her violet eyes glittering with amusement. "Ah, the Sword, always such a coveted item. But you’re right, there’s more at play than just Galadros’ ambition. The stars have whispered of a greater change—a force that will turn the tides of fate in ways even you cannot yet see."

She paused, studying Zyrian’s expression before continuing. "And this force, Zyrian... is tied to the girl you’ve been watching. The one with the moles, yes?"

Zyrian's eyes darkened at the mention of Sia. "She is no ordinary girl. Her existence is intertwined with something I cannot yet comprehend. I need to know more—about her, and about the sword."

Dephlia moved closer, her robes trailing behind her like shadows. "The girl’s role in all of this will become clear in time, but be warned, Zyrian. The more you desire her, the more the universe will shift around you. The Sword of Oracle may be your prize, but she may become the key to unlocking powers far beyond it."

Zyrian’s jaw tightened, though he maintained his calm demeanor. "Then tell me what must be done."

Dephlia’s gaze hardened as she raised her hand, summoning an ethereal map of the galaxy before them. "You must move quickly. Galadros is not your only concern... There are others who will soon sense this cosmic disturbance. The girl is more important than you realize. To secure both her and the sword, you must face not just enemies from distant lands, but from within your own."

Zyrian's eyes remained fixed on the glowing map, the weight of the solar's revelations heavy upon him. The path ahead was becoming clearer, and yet, the unknown loomed larger than ever.

He turned his gaze back to Dephlia, his voice a low, determined growl. "I will have both—the sword and the girl. Whatever the cost."

Dephlia smiled, the flicker of ancient magic dancing in her eyes. "Then prepare yourself, King Zyrian. The true game begins now."

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