ch 19 __you look enchanting

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***author's pov***

As Sunday dawned, the Oberoi mansion glimmered under the soft morning light, a masterpiece of elegance and grandeur. Every corner was adorned with vibrant flowers, shimmering lights, and intricately designed decorations that set a perfect backdrop for the dual wedding.

Guests began to arrive in droves, dressed in their finest attire, laughter and chatter echoing through the halls. The air was thick with anticipation and excitement, as families and friends mingled, eager to witness the union of the Singhania brothers.

In the grand hall, the wedding altar stood resplendent, draped in silks and adorned with fresh blooms. Arjun exuded confidence, greeting guests with a charming smile, while his thoughts lingered on Aayara, who remained oblivious to the tensions surrounding her.

Meanwhile, Rudra paced in a secluded corner, struggling to quell the storm brewing within him. He could see Dia in the distance, radiant and excited, yet all he could think about was Aayara’s gentle presence. He knew he had to confront his feelings, but the timing felt impossible amidst the flurry of wedding preparations.

As the ceremony approached, the tension between duty and desire hung heavy in the air, setting the stage for a day filled with unexpected twists and deep emotions.

Sia groaned, frustration bubbling to the surface. “I don’t want to be here!” she exclaimed, pulling away slightly to create some distance between them. “I want to go back home! This is all too much!”

Zyrian’s expression softened, a flicker of understanding crossing his face. “I know this is overwhelming, but you can’t ignore the significance of your arrival. The Oracle planet needs you, and so does the fate of the universe.”

“But I didn’t ask for any of this!” she shot back, her voice rising with emotion. “I was just living my life, and now I’m trapped in some kind of cosmic mess!”

He studied her for a moment, recognizing the fear and confusion that swirled in her eyes. “I get it, Sia. Change is terrifying, especially when it’s thrust upon you. But sometimes, the most unexpected paths lead to the greatest discoveries.”

She shook her head, feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes. “I don’t want to discover anything! I just want to be with my family, my friends… to feel normal again.”

Zyrian leaned closer, his voice gentle yet firm. “I can help you find a way back, but it may not be as simple as you think. The powers at play here are immense, and there are dangers you don’t yet understand.”

Sia felt torn. The longing for home was powerful, but so was the pull of this strange new world and the man who seemed to hold the keys to it. “I don’t know what to believe,” she whispered, her resolve wavering.

Zyrian reached out, his hand hovering near hers. “Take your time, Sia. You don’t have to make any decisions right now. Just know that I’m here to help you navigate this.”

As she looked into his eyes, she sensed that beneath his ambition lay a genuine desire to guide her. But the uncertainty still loomed large, and Sia knew she had a long journey ahead, filled with choices that would shape her destiny.

Sia stood and walked to the balcony, her breath catching in her throat as she took in the breathtaking view. The night sky stretched endlessly above her, illuminated by five moons, each one radiating its own unique glow. They hung in various phases—some full and luminous, others waning or waxing—casting a surreal light over the landscape.

She gasped, mesmerized by the beauty of it all. The moons seemed to pulse with energy, each one reflecting a different hue, creating an otherworldly tapestry that made her heart race. It was a sight she had never imagined, one that made the world she had left behind feel distant and almost insignificant.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Zyrian’s voice broke through her awe, and she turned to see him standing a few paces behind her, watching her with a mix of admiration and something deeper.

“Yes,” she breathed, still captivated. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“It’s one of the many wonders of the Oracle planet. Each moon holds its own power, influencing the energies of this world and beyond,” he explained, stepping closer. “They’re a reminder of the potential that exists in the universe, just as you hold potential within you.”

Sia felt a rush of emotions as she gazed back at the moons. “It’s breathtaking, but it’s also… overwhelming. How can I possibly fit into all of this?”

Zyrian moved beside her, leaning against the balcony railing. “You will find your place, Sia. Just as each moon has its phase, you will discover your own path. And I’ll be here to help you every step of the way.”

As she stood next to him, the weight of her fear began to lift, replaced by a sense of wonder. Maybe, just maybe, there was something more waiting for her in this strange new world. But the pull of home still lingered in her heart, a reminder of the life she had left behind.

Sia inhaled deeply, savoring the crisp, cool air as the wind swept through, causing her hair to dance around her face like a cascade of silk. The sensation was invigorating, and for a moment, she felt a sense of freedom she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

Zyrian watched her with an amused smirk, his gaze lingering on the delicate moles that traced a line down her neck and shoulder. There was something captivating about her unique features, a beauty that set her apart from anyone he had ever encountered. It was as if the cosmos had conspired to create her, and he couldn’t help but admire the way she embraced her individuality.

“You look enchanting,” he remarked, his voice low and filled with a teasing undertone.

Sia turned to him, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks. “I’m not here to be enchanting. I just want to understand what’s happening.”

“But you are enchanting, whether you acknowledge it or not,” Zyrian replied, his smirk widening. “This world is full of wonders, but you bring something uniquely yours to it.”

Her heart raced at his words, a mix of flattery and confusion swirling within her. “I don’t even know what I’m doing here,” she admitted, glancing back at the moons. “Everything feels so… surreal.”

“It is,” he agreed, stepping closer, the space between them charged with an electric tension. “But remember, you are part of something much greater. Embrace it, and you might just find your purpose.”

As Sia gazed into his amber eyes, she felt a flicker of hope ignite within her. Perhaps this journey could lead to something extraordinary—if only she could let go of her fears and trust in the unknown.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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