Getting help || Johnnie x Girl

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Johnnie confronts Alice about her mental health struggles.

(TW: Depression, self harm)

Johnnie and Alice had been together for almost a year now, And their relationship had always been a source of comfort for both of them. They were drawn to each other's quiet and thoughtful natures, finding
comfort in eatchothers company. And understanding eatchother.

But recently, a shift in their dynamic had caught Johnnie's attention. He noticed a change in Alice's behavior, a shadow that seemed to cloud her usually bright spirit.

Johnnie, have had his own battles with mental health. He knew the weight of depression all too well, having navigated through the dark thoughts of self-harm and sadness for much of his life. So, when he saw the same signs in Alice, his heart sank with a familiar feeling.

One rainy afternoon, as they were sitting inside of Johnnie's room. Johnnie's eyes drifted to Alice's arms, which were usually covered by long sleeves. But today, she wore a short-sleeved t-shirt, revealing a series of thin, faded scars.

His heart ached at the sight, a silent confirmation of his fears. He reached across the table and gently took her hand, his thumb brushing over her soft skin. "Alice, I've noticed something going on with you lately. Is everything okay?"

Alice, startled by his question, tried to hide her arms, but Johnnie's warm gaze held her captive. She saw the concern etched on his face, a reflection of the worry she had been trying to hide. "I'm fine, really," she replied, her voice filling with anxiety slightly. "Just a bit tired, that's all."

Johnnie squeezed her hand gently. "Alice, I know it might be hard to talk about, but I want you to know I'm here for you. I've been through some tough times myself, and I understand how it feels to carry it all alone."

Tears welled up in Alice's eyes as she heard Johnnie's voice. She had been trying so hard to keep her struggles hidden, afraid of being a burden for him with all of her problems. But Johnnie's empathy was like a warm embrace, melting away her defenses. "I... I've been having a hard time lately," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought I could handle it on my own, but it's getting harder."

Johnnie leaned forward, his eyes never leaving hers. "You don't have to go through this alone, Alice. I want to help. Can you tell me what's been troubling you?"

Alice took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "It's just... I've been feeling so low laitly, Johnnie. I've been having these thoughts, and I can't seem to shake them off. I feel like I'm failing at everything, and I don't know how to make it stop." She paused, her eyes pleading for understanding. "I know it might not make sense, but it's like I'm trapped in my own mind, and I can't find my way out."

Johnnie kept quiet and listed to her, his heart breaking for the pain Alice was feeling. He knew all too well the suffocating grip of depression and the inner voiced criticsing everything you did. "Alice, what you're feeling is completely valid. It's not your fault, and you're not alone in this. I want to help you find a way to feel better. Have you considered talking to someone professionally?"

Alice shook her head, her dark blue hair swaying. "I've always been so private, Johnnie. I don't know if I can share these thoughts with a stranger. It's just so hard to put into words."

"I understand, but sometimes talking to someone outside the situation can help. It's okay to ask for help, Alice. It's a sign of strength, not weakness." Johnnie's voice was steady, filled with the things he had been forced to learnd from his own journey. "I can go with you, if you'd like. We can find someone who can guide us both through this."

Alice's eyes widened at the offer, and a glimmer of hope sparked within her. "You'd do that for me? Be there with me?"

"Of course, Alice. We're in this together. I won't let you face this alone." Johnnie said, his love for Alice evident in every word.

In the following weeks, Johnnie and Alice was on a journey of healing. They found a good therapist who who they thought would help them navigate the feelings of Alice's emotions. Together, they learned to challenge the negative thoughts that had been holding Alice captive, replacing them with kindness and understanding.

As time passed, Alice's scars began to fade, both the ones on her arms and the invisible ones on her heart. She came back to feel her laughter and joy again, and Johnnie's love became her sanctuary. Through their shared vulnerability, they formed an unbreakable bond, proving that love and understanding can help even the darkest of shadows.

This experience taught them both that seeking help was not a sign of weakness but a powerful act of self-care. Together, they found the strength to face their demons, being stronger and more connected than ever before.


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