Newbies from all around the World

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~Lucy's POV~
LucyPRXO: "R U watching??"
TitiMary:"Si, I'm watching. Plz b careful"
LucyPRXO:"I will😘. Bye Te amo.
TitiMary:"Te amo también Lucy."
~End Text~

???:'Looks like she's still worried. Hope she doesn't cry.'

Hey I'm Lucinda Amapola, but you can call me Lucy. And I broke the fourth wall.

???:'Ahhg, how long is this Road trip? And who are this people? Never mind Lucy, just be patient. Everything is fine, just don't look so much like a girl.' ( if you're asking why I said 'don't look so much like a girl' I'm going undercover as a boy named Luis E. PS. I'm not a spy)

???:"Hey can I seat next to you."
Lucy:"Sure, why not?"
???:"Thanks." (seats right next to me) "You're new?"
Lucy: "No. I'm actually Duncan but a little more softer."
???:"Yeah and I'm Lindsay. But seriously are you one of the interns or a newbie?"
Lucy:"Newbie. And... my name is Luis Edgardo, but you can call me Luis."
???:"Okay, my name is Angelica Norman, but can also call me Angel for short."

Lucy:"Angelica? Are you Latin too or your parents just called you that for no good reason?"
Angel:"Actually I picked it, sense I had amnesia."
Angel:"Yeah. I was twelve so..."
Lucy:"Got it."
*Bump on the road*
???:British accent"Man theses road is bumpy!"
*We turned around*
Angel:"Yeah we know you don't have to shout it- uhhhh..."
???:"Hm" *Takes of the headphones* "oh sorry I didn't know someone was talking."
Lucy:"It's okay dude."
???:"Should I introduced myself?"
Lucy:"Go ahead."
???:"Okay, I'm James Wilson"
Angel:"Son of Logan Wilson from WUK Industries?"
James:"So are you excited for being on the show?"
Angel:"What show?"
James: "You know, Total Drama. The reality show. Chris McClain. Dangerous obstacles. One million dollars. Ring any bells."
Angel:"I know that. But I thought I signed up for soccer playoff."
Lucy:"He tricked everyone to do this."
James:"In other words, you knew about this."
Lucy:"They don't know how to right in Spanish."
James:"Neither know about a thing that a DJ does."
*Turns around to see a Japanese girl with a katana.*
???:*Japanese accent* "They don't even know a single thing about katanas, or kendo."
???:"Hih, my name is Rei Otonashi."

???: "Yeah, she knows a lot about kendo and many other martial arts."
Rei: "Yukiko."
???: "Sumimase."
Rei: "This my little sister, Yukiko Ototnashi."
Snow: "Kanichiwa."
Rei: "Nice eyepatch."
Lucy: "Oh, umm thanks."
Angel: "Oh yeah. Why do you have that eyepatch?"
Lucy: "I have two different colored eyes. So to prevent being bullied my dad-"
James: "Bought an eyepatch to look like you have a condition in your eye. Right?"
Lucy: "Nice detective work mister James Bond."

*The bus stops on front of the old Total Drama competitors*
???: Indian accent "Can you believe it?"
???: Australian accent "We're going to be on Total Drama! Oh Yeah!"
???: Russian accent "I didn't sign up for theses."
???: Spanish accent "None of us did. Looks like we fell for Chris's websites."
???: Girl "Is that even legal?"
Angel whispering: "Apparently it is."
Chris McClain outside the bus: "Welcome everyone to Total Drama Worldwide Encounter."
Lucy: "Here goes nothing."

*Everybody looking at the left side of the bus*
Chris McClain: "On these season of Total Drama we have new competitors from different parts of the world or heritage from any country~~~~"

*Chef comes in with soldier uniform*
Chef Hatchet: "Everyone stand and listen up!"

*Everyone stands up normally, not like if they were on the army*
Chef Hatchet: "When Chris calls your name go outside, introduce yourself! After that Chris will say in which team you're gonna be and who's your leader! Any questions?!"
Everyone: "No sir!"
Chef Hatchet: "Good. Oh and if want to go home so badly, YOU'LL HAVE TO JUMP OFF A PLANE FOR IT!!! DID I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!?!?!"
Everyone: "YES SIR!!"
Chef Hatchet: "Alright! Have fun! He he he."
*Chef puts an evil smile on his face and walks out of the bus*
Lucy (sarcastically): "This is going to be fun."

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