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A/N: Sorry for the long update. This will happen with a lot of my chapters so you might loose interest. But please don't, the next chapter is coming earlier then I usually update.
Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Worldwide Encounter. From Rio to the Amazon, each team had to find their missing newbies and escape the jungle. We learned a few things too like: what happens when you give trick parachutes to the Newbies *Flashback showing Snow being knocked out*, and how to survive in the Amazonian jungle. But in the end team Survivor won and three competitors from team Everest where going back home. Who will win? What's gonna happen to Brick and Yukiko? Is Brick gonna follow orders from his team for the rest of the show? Find out right now on Total! Drama! Worldwide Encounter!"

~Total Drama POV~
-First class-
Heather: "Finally, first place. We didn't just won to team Everest..."
Amy: "But also cause them to vote of three of there team members. Tweendle dumb, homeschooled rat boy and dumb*ss jock."
Jo: "This is getting better and better by the second."
*Camera switches to Brick and Snow. She's looking a few things outside the window and Brick is still sleeping*
Snow: "Neh, Brick-sama..." *Looks at Brick, who is still sleeping. She giggles a little* "Brick-sama, daijóbu ka?" *Translation: 'Brick, are you alright?'*
*Brick wakes up thinking he's in an actual war*
Brick: "Look out hear come the Japanese!..." *Everybody looks at him* "Is everything okay?" *Snow starts to laugh a little* "What's going on?"
Snow: "Oh, nothing."

Brick: "Was I dreaming that I was in the war? Did Yukiko thought that was weird?"

Snow: *She giggles a little* "Brick-sama is really funny."
~End of Confessionals~

Lindsay: "Do you love or hate japanese people?"
Brick: "Sorry. I was just looking at some information from a website, then I went fast asleep."
Snow: "It was about the war in between the United States and Japan."
Lindsay: "Ohhhh."

-Loser class-
*Everybody is asleep after all that's happened in the amazon. "Luis", being the only one awake, is drawing he's fellow team mates and all the newbies. Gwen wakes up*
Gwen: *Yawn* "Good morning."
*"Luis" looks at her*
"Luis": "Morning. Did I wake you up?"
Gwen: *Smiling* "No."
"Luis": "Good." *He goes back to drawing*
Gwen: "What are you doing?"
"Luis": "Drawing you guys and the other newbies."
Gwen: "Can I see?"
"Luis": "Sure."
*Gwen goes up to "Luis" and sees "He's" drawing. Is like looking at a picture. "He's" good*
Gwen: "Wow! You have a gift!"
???: "He does indeed."
*Gwen and "Luis" jump and look to there left and see Dawn in a meditation position and watching*
"Luis": "Ohh, it's just you."
Gwen: "You scared us, Dawn."
Dawn: "Sorry. I was just meditating."
Chris: "Gooood morning, passengers!"
*Everybody wakes up*
Chris: "I'm very happy to say that we are heading to our next destination. And if you're asking where are we heading, let's just say is gonna be FANTASTICO."
-End of the Intercom-
Angel: "Fantastico, huh? Looks like we're heading to Spain."

~Time Skip: They arrive in Madrid, Spain~
-Out of the plane-
Duncan: "Looks like you were right Angel."
Angel: "Yep."
Trent: "How did you know we are going to this place?"
Angel: *Shruging* "Lucky guess?"
"Luis": "There are other places that speak spanish. But this is the original."
Alejandro: "España. Cuanto te he extrañado." *Translation: "Spain. How much I've missed you."*
Angel: "Así que si eres de España." *Translation: "So you are from Spain."*
Alejandro: "¿Y tú también?" *Translation: "And you too?"*
Angel: "Un poco, de parte de mi mamá" *Translation: "A little, of my mom's side."*
"Luis": "Ahorra tenemos dos españoles. Bueno, uno y medio, creo." *Translation: "Looks like we have two spaniards. Well, one and a half, I think."*
Nicki: "Suficiente." *Trans.: "Enough."* "Let's get going."
Owen: "What just happened?"
Noah: "To tell you the truth, I don't know."

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