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I got tagged(again) by madgirl2868 to do this 13 questions tag...I think that's what is called. So quick recap, you have to answer 13 questions from the person that tagged you. After that, you have to tag 13 people to answer your 13 questions. Oh! And you have to do this in a week. Let's get started!

1. What's your favorite song?
I love Same old love by Selena Gomez. But, I also love Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez.

2. What's your favorite cartoon or anime?
So manyyyy! But my top five are Total Drama, Grojband, Supernoobs, Danganronpa, and Sword Art Online.

3. Do you play an instrument?
I know how play the flute a little.

4. Oh no! Your in front of the whole school and a sweet popular guy asked you out! But the only problem is..., your already secretly dating someone! And can't let anyone know you are! What do you do?
I have to say no to the guy and keep dating my secret boyfriend.

5. Ok, laser puppies! Or chainsaw kitties! Sooooo haaaaaaard! I have to say...............laser puppies!

6. Do you have a flaw that your proud of? (It's ok if you have one you don't want to say!)
I am proud of my geek-ness.

7. What's your fave colour?
I love red white and blue. Mostly red. The colors of my Puerto Rican flag.

8. Why do you like my books?
Because it expresses who your are. And. I. LOVE IT!

9. What are you most proud about yourself?
That I have good grades and have you guys!

10. What's the most craziest thing you ever done?
I have no idea. I don't have that much of a good memory.

11. Ok it's your brothers birthday and you were in charge of the buying the presents! There is three things that your brother wants! A goat, a bike, and a phone! What do you get him?
A phone! My brother loves to play games on his tablet, so he'll love to play games on his phone.

12. What's your favorite fanfic?
Total Drama Their kids by madgirl2868, Fairy tale: Young Mage, no powers by YukikoOtonashii, and many more!

13. Do you have any fears?
Leeches, the dark, possessed things, and Chucky! (Dan, dan, daaaaaaan!!!)

Now my questions!
1) What's your nickname? (If you have one)
2) What's your favorite color?
3) Do you, or do you not, have a crush on someone?
4) Do you have siblings? (Yes or no question. And, if yes, how many?)
5) What's your favorite video game or comic? (If you have one)
6) Have you ever got into trouble before?
7) Your best friend tells you "I love you sense we were little. Do you love me?". Would you say yes or no?
8) What's your biggest fear?
9) What's your favorite animal?
10) Have you ever read any of my books?
11) Who's your role model? (If you have one)
12) What's your favorite song? (You might wanna say who sings it)
13) Are you proud of who you are?

And I tag:

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