Detectives move out (part 2)

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Warning: Some scenes may contain blood and murder. If you don't like, then don't read it. But if you like mystery and horror, then read it.

Last time on Total Drama Worldwide Encounter. The competitors were in London, England for there next destination. Sadly, it went horribly wrong when on August, 21 at 7:30 to 10:00 murders were discovered on the O'Neil mansion. First was Gwen's, then Yukiko's, Trent's and, lastly, Brick's. Can the contetanst discover who is the killer? Or will Alex solve this mystery before is too late? Let's find out.

-In the family room-
~Time Skip: August 21, 2015 10:08 p.m.~
*Lights go back on and everyone is scared and terrified. DJ is on Eva's arm, Owen is on top of Noah, James and Sammy are hugging each other (because they're terrified), and the rest are fine. Eva let's go of DJ and drops him, Owen gets off of Noah, and James and Sammy let go*
Lucy: "What the hell just happened!?!?"
Owen: "Everyone else heard Alejandro scream!? Or was it just me!?"
Heather: "Yes Owen! We need to go to the kitchen, NOW!"
Alex: "C'mon!"
*Everybody runs to the kitchen, except for Dawn that stays behind because she senses someone. A weird shadowy figure runs off after Dawn turns around. Dawn chases the shadowy figure*
*Everyone arrives to the kitchen where they see something they wish to unsee, mostly Heather. Alejandro is on the floor with a stab on his chest, directly through his heart, and has his right hand in a fist, but no one cares about that*
Owen: "AHHHHH!" *Runs out of the kitchen*
Lucy: "Owen wait! Don't go alone!" *Runs after Owen*
Noah: "Owen hold up!" *Runs after Owen and Lucy*
Shawn: "Guys!" *Runs after them*
*Heather runs of the kitchen, crying*
Lotus: "Oh my...Heather don't cry!" *Runs after Heather*
Mely: "Guys! Horror movie 101, don't go alone when a killer is around!" *Runs after them*

-Time Skip: August 21, 2015 10:20 p.m.-
~Alex's POV~
*Everyone is out of the kitchen and the only people in the kitchen are Me, B, Mike, Lucy, Sammy, Angel, James, and Rei*
Rei: "Why did the killer kill him?"
James: "Did he do anything to deserve death?"
Sammy: "I don't like this, at all!"
Mike: "Oh my god."
*I look at Alejandro's fist. I kneel down and open his fist. There's a piece of fabric, has smalls blood splatters, and...hello, what's under the fabric? A microchip*
Alex: "Maybe this is why." *I show them the microchip*
James: "A microchip?"
Angel: "Maybe it has some secret information about...military weapons?"
James: "British defense systems?"
Rei: "More ways to kill someone else's family member?"
*Everybody looks at Rei. From what I just heard and saw, she's mad and sad about her sister's death. She wants revenge, and badly*
Alex: "One thing is for sure, the reason why our friends were and are being killed is in this microchip. James!"
James: "Yes!"
Alex: "We need your computer."
James: "I wish, but it disappeared."
Alex: "B, what about-"
*B shooks his head*
Alex: "It disappeared, didn't it?"
*B nods* "...All...of your laptops disappeared?"
*Everybody nods*
Alex: "...Who's laptop wasn't taken or isn't gone?"
Mike: "Everybody's laptop in this mansion are gone."
Lucy: "Not everybody's. The girls room is locked. So maybe our laptops are there!"
Mike: "Which girls room?"
Lucy: "Our team's girls room."
James: "Okay, do you guys have the key?"
Alex: "If they said that there room is locked, then they don't have the key."
James: "Good point."

-Time Skip: August 21, 2015-
*We arrive on front of the T.E. Girls room. Is locked, but Sammy finds the thing that will try to open the door*
Sammy: "Here's the hair pin you asked, Alex."
Alex: *I give it to B* "You know what to do."
*B uses the hair pin to open the door. It works. We see the's trashed. The curtains are ripped, the bed is stabbed, many objects are broken, and the has a huge blood splatter on it, but a body like clean spot is on it. I picture it to be Gwen sitting there. Is a perfect match*
Alex: "Here's where the killer murdered Gwen. I can picture her here sitting with the stabbed wounds."
*Everybody is disgusted. They probably pictured Gwen in there. I hear someone gag. Probably B sense he doesn't talk*
Mike: "How can you picture that!?"
Rei: "They're many things you can picture when your an otaku, but, when it's about the real world, it doesn't look as good as you thought or as bad. Is worse!"
Angel: "How can you handle so much blood!?"
Alex: "Is just a gift a have, a blessing and a curse." *I notice Gwen's laptop on the floor. I point at it* "Found a laptop, James."
James: "Huh?" *He notice the laptop I'm pointing* "Okay then. Let's do this."
*James turns on the laptop, but there's a password*
James: "Don't worry. I got this." *He cracks he's knuckles and starts hacking the laptop. DJ, son of a international record company, and a hacker that doesn't use his talents for anything illegal. I wonder how many more secrets he has?* "Done...ilovebabymetal11037. Wow long password."

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