Extra Chapter: How did Lightning met the real Lucy?

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~Lucy's POV~
Lucy: 'Looks like everyone is asleep.' *She pulls out a notebook with all the pages blank (like a sketch pad, but different)* 'Why did Lightning got voted off? He was kipping my secret.'

*I was coming to my room, well me and the boys' room. And I saw Lightning looking under all the beds. I then asked him, with a confused look...*
Me: "What are you doing, Lightning?"
Lightning: "Someone stole Lightning's protein!"
Me: "Do you sometimes mention yourself in third person?"
Lightning: "Sha-No! 'Cause there's only two people hear, me and you."
*I was about to say that third person doesn't mean three people, but I didn't think he understand*
Me: "...Okay? But I don't think you'll find it under all the beds."
*After what I said Lightning looked under my bed*
Lightning: "You might be right about that, but look what I found under your bed."
*He then pulled out my bra from under my bed. It's so perverted. Even doe I needed to pretend to be a guy, seeing someone pull out your own underwear from your bed, is so pervy, well pervert like*
Me: "It's not what it looks like."
Lightning: "Really? Because it Sha-looks like you are a pervert. And this bra is proof."
Me: "Um..."
Lightning: "Tell me why do you have a Sha-bra under your Sha-bed!?"
Me: "I...I can't."
Lightning: "Why not!?"
Me: "I just can't!"
Lightning: "Fine! If your not gonna tell, then Lightning will just Sha-tell everyone that you have a girl's bra-"
Me: "Okay, okay, I'll tell you!"
*I was scared. If Lightning told everyone that there was a bra under my bed, then they'll think that I'm some sick pervert and hate me for it. Or worse vote me off. I couldn't just lie to him, so I told him the truth*
Me: "The reason why I have that bra under my bed is because...I'm a GIRL!"
*Lightning's face was in shock. I mean if a boy knew that he's roommate is a girl and took there bra, it'll make him feel like he's a pervert*
Lightning: "Oh...So that means that this is...yours?"
*I nodded*
Lightning: "AAHHHH! I can't believe I just touched your bra!"
Me: "Yeah, it was disgusting."
*He wapped his hands on he's shirt*
Lightning: "Why did you crossdressed Luis!?"
Me: "Actually, my names is Lucy."
Lightning: "But still! Whyyyy!?"
Me: "Why?.....It's a long story. Five years ago, after an entire summer camp experience and tragity, my half-brother, the real Luis, got a scholarship to a school in L.A. He was already packed up to go. My dad, my real biological dad, said that he was gonna come back in a week or maybe ten days. But then does ten days became ten weeks. Weeks became months. Then months became today, five years. As if he never wanted me."
Lightning: "But there could be a reason why he left you, and plus you could have visited him in L.A."
Me: *I felt like tears were about to form in my eyes* "Well I don't know. I never knew his adress or his number, heck everytime I called him with his old number when he left, he din't even answered. How do I know...How do I now that he even cares about me!?"
Lightning: "Woh, Luis, calm do-"
*I felt mad and sad at the sametime. I mean, my dad living me, and the part that I never yeld at saomeone that*
Me: "I mean...................Those five years when he left, I always wondered that...If he ever even loved me. Because, if he left me for so long...Why would he? And why wouldn't he just called, send me a letter, or even send Luis to New York to tell me that he still cares about me?"
*I felt sadder by the second. I felt tears about to burst out of my eyes. I never felt this way when I told Dave and Dawn*
Me: "What if he loves him more then me? What if he loves he's stepson then his own daughter? What if..."
*That's when streaks of tears came down my cheeks. Warm and salty tears*
Me: "What if I did something to make him leave? If that hull scholarship was a lie? If..."
*I couldn't continue. My tears came down fast. I started to cry and sob. Lightning looked at me with a frown on he's face. He looked at with a worried look. Everyrthing was so blurry I can bearly see face. After about three minutes of crying, Lightning put his hand on my shoulders*
Lightning: "Yo, Lucy calm down. I might not be the nicest or smartest guy in this team, I think, but I do know that...that was the biggest mistake your dad did. And, if it helps, I will keep the secret that your a Sha-girl. Okay?"
Me: "Okay. Thanks Lightning."
*He extended his arm that way I can shake his hand. But instead, I hugged him. I felt happy. Even doe, after that, he did called me a girl a without his knowledge, it isn't his fault. That just himself*
~End of Flashback~

Lucy: 'I hope his okay.'
*I go back to my sketching. I'm sketching my mom. She died when I was five years old, it's sad I know. But you know when someone closes to you dies, there always in your biggest moments ever? If not, then there like that imaginary friend/counsions. Is nice to have my mom in does moments*

A/N: Thank you guys for reading this book. And for those that are or were reading my first book, Through my Eyes. Let's just say that I'm uptading it again. Anyway, next Total Drama chapter, coming soon November or this December. Please vote, comment and share this book. BYEEEE!!! I know I have grammar errors, okay!? I'm not perfect.

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