Let's Play Soccer, sim

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A/N: All a/n's are going to be in bold. Also sim means yes in Portuguese.

Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Worldwide Encounter! 14 all new competitors and plus the old ones come together for the time of their lives! Each new competitor has a special talent that makes them strong and unique. But for that, we made a few challenges for them and at the end, Stacy went back home while the rest stayed. Will Luis, or should I say Lucy, tell everyone her secret? Or is Dawn gonna spill the beans to the entire world? Found out right now on Total! Drama! Worldwide Encounter!"

~Snow's POV~
Snow's dream: Under the stars picnic
Snow(dream): "Oh Al your so sweet!"
Alejandro(dream): "I know. But your the most beautiful thing I ever seen."
Snow(dream): "Oh stop it." *About to kiss Alejandro*
-Real World-
*Snow is kissing a rat*
Beth: "Snow. Snow. Snow? Yuki? hmmm,..." *Looks at Snow with disgust, a bit* "YUKIKO OTOTNASHI YOU'RE KISSING A RAT!!"
*Snow wakes up and freaks out*
Snow: "AAAHHHH! Ppffff, bllaah, auhh..." *Snow wipes her mouth with her hand*

Snow: "My first week in Total Drama was nice. But now... I feel like I'm in a nightmare. Dark, disgusting, rat filled nightmare!"
~End of Confessional~

Snow: "N-Nani? Watashi... kissu-"
Beth: "Kissed a rat. Yes. Where you trying to kiss Alejandro?"
Snow: "Yes. How long were you awake?"
Beth: "I don't know. A lost track of time." *Beth looks on front, and sees that everyone is still sleeping* "How is everyone still sleeping after your... fear scream?!"
Snow: "I don't know."
Camille: "But we can."
*Snow is surprise and calms down when she sees is just Camille and the rest.*
Snow: "Camille, Jace..., Melanie, Lotus, Siph, Natasha. You woke up of my scream?"
Jace: "No, it was because I also kissed a rat." *Snow gives a nervous smile* "Were you really trying to kiss some one in your sleep, or just thinking that you were dating your pillow?"
Snow: "Can we change the subject, please." *Snow gives out the cutest puppy eyes and looks like a puppy begging*
Camille: "Wow! Your good."
Snow: "Arigato Gosaimashda."
Alejandro: "Hmm?" *Alejandro wakes up* "What's going on?"
Everyone: "Nothing!"

Jace: "Glad Alejandro didn't see that!"
~End of Confessionals~

*Nicki walks in*
Nicki: "Hey guys!" *Everybody wakes up* *Snow and Beth's mouths are open*
Snow: "They woke up, just now?"
Nicki: "Yes Yukiko, they did. Anyway I forgot to give guys your Canadian history test. Well for you guys... *Looking at Jace, Siph, Mely, Natasha, Camille and Snow* "is your countries history test. When we land, you guys are gonna give it to me, Chris or Chef. Then will send it through the internet to your teachers. Even doe you guys are taking a vacation, September starts school, and this will give you an advantage. Oh and don't worry. Team Everest also have this test."

~Total Drama POV~
Meanwhile at the Sweets:
Cameron: "This is to easy. Does anyone need any help?"
Angel: "No thanks I have a United States history test."
Miguel: "I have "Historia de Mexico" test."
Cameron: "So in other words, a Mexican history test."
Miguel: "Exacto."
Rei: "I have Japanese."
James: "English."
Dingo: "Australian."
Alex: "American."
"Luis": "Puerto Rican."
Owen: "My test is covered in pizza."
Alex: *Alex looks at Owen's test* "That's because you have pizza sauce in your fingers."
Owen: "Oh right. I forgot that I ate pizza this morning."
"Luis": "I still can believe that you can eat pizza for breakfast."
Dawn: "There many things you can't believe. Like for example, a beautiful face, but a dark aura."
Courtney: "So for example Heather."
Dawn: *Dawn giggles a little* "Okay."
Cameron: "Done! Now to just wait and-Woohh!! *Cameron looks at the window and sees Christ the Redeemer* "Guys! I know where we going next!"
Ella: "Oh really?!" *Ella claps* "Where we going?!"
Ezekiel: "Guys! Look out the window!"

Cameron: "It was a good idea of getting Ezekiel to get all of is... Well, mutated toxic waste of his body. I just can't now how fast they did it."
~End of confessionals~

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