Extra Chapter: Afraid of WHAT?

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How did they get there fear of this things

Fear: Porcelain Dolls and Old Puppets
Age(when she got it): 3
How: On the day of her birthday, her brother wanted to scare her for fun. But sense he didn't think everything through(of her young age), he planned on using a porcelain doll and an old puppet and say that there possessed by the devil. She got them as a birthday present, but at night (the doll and puppet were animatronic) they got to her neck ready to choke her, but not for real. She woke up and ended up crying for a week. Sense then many kids on the playground called her crybaby. Her brother felt bad that he cried for two weeks and everything was even.

Fear: Wolffish
Age: 7-8
How: When her father went to Surinam for a charity event, they went to a river where the locals said that in that river there was an ancient wolffish that eats people and animals no matter what's there size (I think. I just found this on Animal Planet in a show called River monsters). They didn't go to the river, just to be safe. But then her brother(the oldest), Lovino, bet her to go to the water and swim all the way to the other side. She does it, but, half way going back, she drowns because the wolffish pulls her foot to the water. She wakes up in the hospital and hears that she was almost about to become wolffish dinner. She passes out in the bed hospital.

Fear: FNAF(Five Nights At Freddy's)
Age: 15
How: Unknown

Fear: Chupacabra
Age: 4
How: When he was four, he's abuelo(grandfather) told him about the chupacabra and about his farm. At night, he heard a noise like a break-in in one of the barns. He went outside to check it out what was in the farm and saw a dog like figure near a dead goat. The closer he got, the more odd looking the dog looked. The dog turned around; it looked horrifying for Miguel. He screamed and fainted in the barn. His family, ever sense then, told him to never go into the barn at night.

Fear: Kitchen knifes
Age: 5
How: After a surfing lesson with her sister and grandpa, he came inside for a snack. Then, a man in a white tank top came into his home, straight to the kitchen, saying to give him money or else. His grandfather asked "or else what?". The man smirked, found a knife, took it, and hold his little sister with the knife against her neck. After he said "Give it or the girl gets it!" he ran towards him and tried to take the knife. But instead, it ended up being stabbed through his arm close to his chest. His grandfather called the police, which they came a bit quick. He was taken to the hospital, and sense that day, he was terrified of kitchen knifes and never came to the kitchen for a month.

Fear: Demonic stuff
Age: 7
How: After her father's death(not stepfather), she needed something to clear that of her mind. Her friends told her to come to there house and play a special game, so she could see her dad again. When she came to her friend's house, they had a small piece of wood on the table and it said Ouija on it. Her friend said that her grandfather had it and can contact with the dead. After using it, they didn't contact with her father. At her home, she had weird dreams and her bed moved every time. This scared her so much, she told her mother about it, and even the Ouija game. She and her mother went to the church in where the prist said that she has contacted the devil. Sense then, she still thinks that the devil is with her. But that's not true, because she never played. She just watched how her friends did it.

Fear: Corpse Party
Age: 6
How: She loved things that scared her, because her brother was always there to comfort her. So she saw that a video game called Corpse Party was on stores. Her stepfather told her not to buy the game, but she didn't listen. She told one of her cousins to buy her the game and they did. At first it wasn't scary, but then the blood and gore made it scar her for life. When her mother found out about this she grounded her for a week. But every night, for a month and two weeks, she'll wake up in the middle of the night and her brother would comfort her.

Fear: Blood and gore
Age: 6
How: She loved her maman's(mother's) cooking more then anyone else in the world. One time her mom told her to get her some meat from they're families meat locker. The meat is unknown. The last thing she remembered is that a bloody hand took her by her throat and tried to kill her. She woke up in the hospital with a big bruce on her neck.

Fear: Dead animals, blood, guts, and gore
Age: 10
How: Lotus loves animals more then anything else in the world. That's why she's vegetarian. But also is because when she was ten, her brother(also the oldest), Riku, told her that if she kills an animal there spirits will hunt her for the rest of her life. Terrified of her brother's joke(witch she did believe), was scared of hurting animals including insects. But then she had weird illusions of animals attacking her after wondering in a meat locker by accident.

Fear: Demonic stuff
Age: 8
How: Is a little like Rei's fear. Except that she wasn't using the Ouija board, it was the Charlie game. And not for someone that died, maybe. After using it for fun, she had weird dreams of demons and hell. Scared of these dreams, she told her family and took her to see a psychiatrist. But the dreams still came on every time she's sleeps for the last three months.

Fear: Scarabs
Age: Unknown
How: He always goes to many business trips with his father and mother, sense he's father is an archeologist. Most of does business trips are to the pyramids of Egypt. Every time he goes inside a pyramid, the scarabs from down the pyramid, go up and try to eat him. That's why he can't go inside the pyramids. He thinks he's cursed forever.

Fear: Friday the 13th Jason
Age: Unknown
How: Unknown

Fear: Exotic bugs
Age: 4
How: When she went to the playground with her brother, Jace, she bumped into a few boys that were about 8-10 years old. They actually started to throw mud at her with bugs on in; freaking her out. Then when she went to the zoo, cages full of exotic insects broke. Then, bird eating spiders mantis, moths, ants, and other exotic bugs started to crawl on her legs and all over her body. Her brother knowing that this will be bad for her social life, never left her side.

Fear: Execution
Age: 4
How: Unknown

Vooalah! As you might think, it's not a fear factor. Well a little. Okay maybe! But I'm not gonna say what it is exactly. Also, just to be clear, I do not own any of the images. I just edited the picture. The people that I do know who belong to(each picture) is: Rei(8liana8, deviantart), Angel(nausica-andreana, deviantart), James and Dingo(Prince-Vampire, deviantart), Miguel(DizzyDallian, deviantart), Alex(killfee, Tumblr), and team Survivor newbies and Lucy(YukikoOtonashii ).

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