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Hey guys, sorry not an update! I just wanted to say two things: 1) Next chapter will be an extra chapter. But don't worry, the chapter will be publish soon after that one is published. And 2)...........Man this is hard!..........While me and my mom were heading to my friends house, my mom told me that...I. Have. Asperger syndrome. I type of autism. I never knew about this at all! I mean it made sense why I was so weird when I was younger...and why I had a psychiatrist after the glue incident. Maybe I should explain what was the glue incident.

It was the second semester in the 8th grade. I was in my Industrial Arts class. We were making mask with paper mashe. Using glue that we made. And, while I was in a table with a few of my classmates, someone threw a piece of newspaper at me, and I thought it was the boy on the left side of the table. Everyone told me it wasn't him, but I didn't listen to them. I listen to my mind and it told me to plop some glue on his arm. I did it, and also to his face. I thought it was just a choke. But he didn't think that. No one did. I was the nicest and smartest girl in my group. After I went to the sink to wash my hands(there's a sink in the classroom), I felt something hit the back of my legs, and when I turned around it was glue. I just thought it was funny, so I told my teacher. I showed it to my mom and she was mad. So was my stepdad. I decide to lie to her and say that the boys did it first, because I knew if I told her the truth she would ground me. The next day I was called by the social worker(if you got called by her in my school, then you were in a lot of trouble). In there was the boy I plopped glue on to and one of the classmates from the table. The classmate told the entire story, which sounded bad. In fact, I started to cry knowing what I done. The social worker told that I hade to tell my mom and bring her to school. I couldn't tell her, because I was sobbing. The classmate told my mom. My mom, so mad, grounded me for a whole week. Then another, when I left a spanish work for the last minute. Anyway, after what happened, the social worker told me that I had to see a psychiatrist. I've spent from that semester all the way to winter brake, in the 9th grade. Then on Saturday, January 16, 2016, my mom told me the news and I feel I bit different.

So...yeah. Now you know.

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