Chapter 1

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I can not believe my mom and dad want to go to Alaska.


I begged them to leave me with my aunt but they do not believe aunt Hilary is "matured" enough, well I am matured enough to be alone. I am 17 for pete's sake.

"Nancy time to go" My dad shouts as he cuts off my thoughts.

I grab my things and run downstairs with the most horrible frown my face could produce, thinking that could change my parents mind.


Eh it's worth a shot.

"Dont even start with face and get your behind into the car" My mom says.

"When I grow up I am ditching you two in the desert" I say in a troll voice.

Immediately I step out, it gets cloudy and it starts drizzling . Great, a long journey to Alaska with no good lightening to take selfies. Just perfect.

My parents get into the car, say a little prayer and well you know the rest. I watch as all the familiar areas I knew passed by and then one house caught my attention and brought tears.

Lizzy's house.

Lizzy was like my twin. I can't believe I am not spending my senior year with her. We had that all planned out. I even made a bucketlist and it all included her, well except kissing Ben Affleck.

I sit back down, bring out my phone, plug in my buds and start listening to sad songs. Yes, let the depression take over.

**2 hours later**

I wake up and I realize I am still in the car. I didn't even know when I fell asleep. I realized the rain had become harder too. Damn we aren't there yet? Long ass trip though.

"Oh you are awake, good. We'll be there in an hour" my dad assured me.

"Todd this rain is quite something don't you think," My mom said.

"Yeah, take it as a sign of washing away all our sins from our previous lives and welcoming us into the new" Dad said excitedly.

"Hallelujah" my mom half shouted.

I just rolled my eyes and rested my head back on my backpack. I reach for my phone to see if I had any messages from my friends and I did. Alot. Just then the signal goes off, phone bleeps *Battery low*and my dad gets into a pit hole making my phone go under the chair.

"Dad be careful" I hissed.

"sorry hun" he apologized.

Before I knew it, my dad lost control off the wheel and we crashed off the bridge. There were screams and prayers everywhere, I was so shocked that I didn't even utter a word. I just closed my eyes and expected death. Last thing I saw was my mom looking back, trying to hold me but I didn't even reach back. She screamed "Nancy!!!", before I could reach out, I hit my head on the glass so hard and everything went black. silent.

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