Chapter 7

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Nancy Stewart.

As I walked into the Institute library, I saw Sophie and Alexis a few tables from the entrance. They signaled to me to come over to their table. I got over and sat down, smiling politely at them. Over the months, I learnt that smiling made people thinl differently of you. I took off my buds and was about to bury myself into a book I borrowed earlier.

"Do you actually think we called you over so you could sit and read?" Alexis questioned. I was so confused. Did they hate me?

"Girl we called you over so we could talk" she backed up giggling.

"Yeah bout the institute. Let's tutor you. You know the daily routine but you do not know everybody." Sophie added.

"Let's start with Earl. He's cool to be with but he's mine. He doesn't know yet but he's mine." Alexis said as sophie scowled. She does that alot.

"Cole is the institute's bad boy and well Emma, Grace, Anne. You name them, they all want him. We almost dated but please I am so out of his league" sophie said trying to act bad ass. I just giggled as Alexis rolled her eyes.

I took my pad out and wrote exactly what I wanted to know. I gave it to sophie and her face fell.

"Oh Nancy, we're not allowed to talk bout that. But I'll tell you anyway, I'm here cause I apparently 'I'm proud. I think too highly of myself and care about absolutely no one'. Doctor's words b" she said laughing loudly.

I was surprised the libarian didn't sshh us.

"I have OCD." Alexis said briefly. "Cole has bad nightmares and Earl is scared of so many stuff apparently girls are not on his list" She added causing us to laugh.

"Omg, do not forget Paul Chestfield. Like this dude is a total nut job" Sophie said with her eyes wide open.

"A hot nut job. Like he's a British god. But sadly poor Nancy, he doesn't associate with us commoners." Alexis said.

I can't believe Paul was here too. Omg!!! I quickly scribbled down I am paul's girlfriend. Where is he??? please?

I gave it to them and they just gasped.

"What?? seriously? shit" Sophie said.

"He stays in the 'wealthy cell' along the rest of the wealthy kids. They'll be out by 1:30pm to eat lunch and stuff. You could meet him then. I can't believe you're his babe. Do you know how lucky you are" Alexis said shaking me.

Just then, a note fell down. I picked it up and the girls and I read it together.

Well I be damned Queen Nancy Stewart. I never in a life time thought I'd see you again. The royal gods must be smiling down on our union. I know you are a commoner but the love I have for you is out of this world. So the Americans call it "Dating" boyfriend and girlfriend" but I just don't see you as that only. You are my air, my muse, my life. Can't wait till 1:30pm. I would love to meet you and introduce you to my friends. I am sure you are friends with the puppies, Sophie and Alexis. Greet them for me.

Later my love xx.

"Awww, he called us puppies. Puppies are cute. Indirectly he called us cute" Alexis squealed.

"He is so freaking romantic. Nancy you are too lucky"

I know right. I can't believe he called me a commoner though. But still, aww.

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