Chapter 1: Recruitment

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Pit was nervous. Really nervous. More nervous than he had ever been about anything else in his short life. 'What do I have to be nervous about?' He thought to himself. 'I'm sure she'll love me. Right? Why wouldn't she? 'The angel took a deep breath, attempting to stop his pink wings from shaking in anticipation. He waited for his name to be called, for it to be his turn. He was just a young angel, just like the other recruits in the large room. His nervousness caused him to be oblivious to the stares some of them were aiming at his wings.


The angel almost jumped out of his chair in excitement. Taking another deep breath, he stood up as calmly as possible, and walked toward the door. This time, Pit could feel the eyes of the others burning into his feathers.

As he entered the room, the door closed on its own behind him. This time, he couldn't stop himself from jumping, but this time it was out of surprise. There were two Centurions in the room with Pit. One was wearing a gold helmet, the other a white one. The white-helmeted one had a name tag that said 'Wilhelm', and the gold-helmeted one had one that said 'Gerald'.

The two of them took a look at the angel, and they raised their eyebrows. "You are Pit?" Asked Wilhelm. Pit nodded, too intimidated to say anything. Gerald wasted no time in asking Pit the first and most vital question. "Are you here of your own free will, prepared to fight in Palutena's army?" Pit nodded again, this time with a bit more enthusiasm. Wilhelm asked the nest question. "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your fighting skill?" Normally, recruits were a bit older than Pit was, so this question was probably a bad one to ask. However, it was still part of the recruitment process. Pit responded quietly, "...E-eight, s-s-sir." The two Centurions rolled their eyes. "Are you sure of your answer, little angel?" Questioned Gerald. This time, Pit spoke with more confidence. "Y-yes sir! I practice all the time, sir!" The next couple of questions were from Wilhelm.

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your maneuverability in the air?"

"...........O-one, sir."

"One? Uh, okay. We can work on that, probably. What about flight speed?"

"St-still one, sir."

"Hmm, we have training for that too. Acceleration?"

"One, sir."

"Wing flapping efficiency?"

"One, sir...anything you'll ask me about flying is going to be one, sir. Sorry, sir."

"Okay, enough with the 'Sir' thing you're doing. Why is everything going to be one, kiddo?"

"B-because I c-can't fly."

This surprised the two Centurions. "Not sure that Palutena would want a flightless angel. What do you think, Wilhelm?" Asked Gerald. Pit's eyes clouded over in a bout of sorrow, but then he sprang up again, saying, "Hey, what if I have a-" However, he was cut off by Wilhelm. "Hey, I think I know why he can't fly." Pit was confused by this statement. "W-what?" He questioned feebly, not realizing he wasn't part of the conversation. "Look at his wings, Gerald." He said, pointing at them. "Oh, I get it. It's because they're pink, right?"

"Spot on, bro."

"You think it's some sort of defect?"


"Yeah, probably. I've never seen a flightless angel, and I've never seen a pink-winged angel, either."

"Yeah, me neither. The two must be related."

As the two Centurions continued to further discuss their hypothesis, Pit felt himself drift into hopelessness. Palutena didn't want him? Why not? He tried so hard...

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