Special Exam: 2

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The sun paints the sky with vibrant colours as it rises over the tranquil island. Gentle waves lap against the shore, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of tropical flowers.

Birdsong fills the air, and the distant sound of laughter and chatters.

The classmates are gathered at a charming outdoor cafe, enjoying a leisurely breakfast and tea. They are surrounded by lush greenery and breathtaking views of the ocean.

Ray and Martha are sitting at a table, engaged in animated conversation. They seem to have picked up right where they left off, their laughter and smiles filling the air.

Tom and Jerry burst onto the scene, their faces beaming with excitement. They spot Ray and Martha and run over to them, pulling on their clothes and chattering excitedly.

Tom: (To Ray) Uncle Ray! We saw what you are doing with the aunt!

Jerry: (To Martha) Aunt Martha! Did you rest up well?

Ray and Martha are delighted to see the children and embrace them warmly.

Ray: (Chuckling) It seems like you two haven't changed a bit.

Martha: (Smiling) You're just as mischievous as ever.

Tom and Jerry giggle and continue to entertain Ray and Martha with their playful antics.

Ray clears his throat and addresses the classmates.

Ray: (Clapping his hands) Alright, everyone! It's time to begin round two of our island adventure. Are you ready to explore more hidden gems and uncover the secrets of this beautiful place?

The classmates cheer enthusiastically.

Martha joins in the excitement, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Ray and Martha exchange a knowing glance, a silent promise to make the most of their time together.

RAY: No, let's begin the round - 2

You are a wizard in a mystical land, tasked with protecting your village from a fierce dragon that demands a tribute every full moon. The dragon gives you two options for tribute:

1. Option A: You can choose to give the dragon a single enchanted ruby, which has a 50% chance of putting the dragon to sleep for the night, sparing your village from destruction.

2. Option B: You can offer a chest containing 100 magical stones. Each stone has a 1% chance of turning into a powerful gem that will make the dragon leave the village alone for a month. The rest of the stones have no effect.

Your Goal: You must decide whether to offer the dragon the enchanted ruby or the chest of 100 magical stones to maximize the chances of protecting your village for the night.
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Jerry's heart pounded as she glanced over at Tom. She knew the answer to the challenge before her, the solution was clear in her mind. But something tugged at her conscience, a familiar warmth that she had always associated with Tom.

Tommy deserves this, she thought, a wave of affection washing over her.

I could solve this with ease, Jerry mused, her eyes flickering with a mix of determination and hesitation. But as she looked at Tom's earnest expression, the decision was made.

Jerry wanted to see Tom win this, to see that spark of joy in his eyes when he finally took the victory he deserved. She felt a small smile tug at the corners of her lips, knowing what she had to do.

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