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Sebastian and I make our way through the castle grounds, the crisp air of the morning brushing against our faces as we approach a grand stone coliseum. The imposing structure rises ahead of us, its towering walls casting long shadows across the training fields. 

"This is where we usually train," Sebastian explains as we approach. "Hopefully my siblings are already here. They're usually quite eager to start the day."

Sebastian and I step into the coliseum, the sound of our footsteps echoing around the vast space. The towering walls are lined with various training equipment, including dummies, targets, and practice weapons. The smell of sweat and fresh air fills the air. 

Sebastian glances around, searching for signs of his siblings. "Looks like we're a bit early," he says, "Emmaline and Aaron aren't here yet."

I take a moment to look around the coliseum, appreciating the well-maintained equipment and the spacious area. 

"This is a really impressive training facility," I remark, my voice carrying through the empty space. 

Sebastian nods in agreement, his gaze scanning the array of equipment with a mix of nostalgia and familiarity. "Yeah, Father spared no expense when it came to training us," he says, "I've spend countless hours learning how to hone my skills and push my limits." 

I follow Sebastian as he starts to leisurely wander through the training area, his eyes trailing over the various targets and weapons. "So, what kind of training can we expect today?" I ask, curious about what's in store for us. 

Sebastian pauses in front of a rack of practice swords, running a hand over the smooth hilts. "Today's training is more about gauging your skills and assessing your strengths," he explains. "We'll probably start with some light sparring, maybe a bit of weapon work, and see where you're at."

"Light sparring, huh?" I repeat, testing the weight of a training sword. "Sounds like the perfect opportunity for me to show off my nonexistent sword fighting skills." 

Sebastian grins at my mock confidence, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Don't worry about sword fighting skills," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice "We'll be sparring using our powers primarily, so you won't have to worry about being an expert swordsman."

I relax a bit at his reassurance, feeling relieved that I won't have to rely solely on my non-existent sword  fighting skills. "Good to know," I say with a relieved smile. "I was a bit  worried about making a fool of myself with a sword."

Sebastian chuckles at my comment, amused by my initial concern. "Trust me, you're not the first one to feel that way," he assures me. "We'll go easy on you, and I'm sure my siblings will be...well, somewhat gentle."

I chuckle nervously, not particularly reassured by Sebastian's ambiguous word choice. "Somewhat gentle, eh?" I repeat, trying to maintain a casual tone. "That sounds slightly ominous. Should I be worried?" 

Sebastian grins, clearly enjoying my visible concern. "Don't worry too much," he reassures me, patting me on the back. "My siblings can be a bit intense, but they know their limits. And I'll be there to make sure they don't go too far." 

I feel a mixture of relief and nervousness at Sebastian's words. It's reassuring that he seems to have some control over his siblings, but the thought of sparring with their powers is intimidating nonetheless. "Alright, I'll trust your judgement," I say, hoping that I won't come out of this training session too bruised and battered. 

Sebastian glances toward the coliseum doors as they creak open, a flicker of anticipation in his eyes. "Ah, looks like my siblings have finally decided to grace us with their presence," he remarks, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. 

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