Random Recollections I

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I remember that since I was a young teen, just getting my period, that men mostly of a certain political party wanted to control my body.

That's none of their business!

Stay away from me misogynists! I have rights just like you. Maybe we need to control where your semen goes! It'd save a lot of socks!


Many of my decisions, like everyone else's, might as well be a roll of the dice. Do I walk here or over there? Do I eat now or later?

What did I just step in?!

Guess I walked in the wrong direction. I don't feel so hungry anymore.


Potato Chips are great, but too many make you fat. Like many women, I struggle with weight at times. I usually hover between 145 and 155lbs (66-70kg), although a lot of that is boobs!

I love potato chips!

I seem to gain weight if I eat above the recommended serving listed on the bag, but stay the same if I follow the recommendations. I follow my diet closely. Anyone else like this?


Jokes are important to me and I prefer a man with quick wit that can make me laugh! I once dated this regular, almost goofy, looking guy for a while because he was hilarious and for no other reason.

He was a terrible fuck!

The sex was bad, but otherwise he was good. Just not good enough. We stayed friends and he's married now!

That's it for now!

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