𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 24 - 𝐖𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠;

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Time skips -

Yeonjun went to his house to eat dinner with his brother Jin. Y/n is having dinner with her mom and Jimin. She tries to engage in conversation with her mom and Jimin , but her mind keep wandering back to Jungkook.
She absent-mindedly plays with her hair, her smile feeling fake. After dinner, she helps with the dishes before excusing herself to her room.

"Don't forget to wake up early morning tomorrow, We have to go to college from tomorrow Y/n" Jimin told her and went to bed.

Y/n is alone in her room, she flops down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She pulls out her phone staring at the pictures of her and Jungkook from the weekend. A soft smile play's on her lips as she remembers the fun times they had together. Then she dial his number...
After she called him, but he didn't answer that. She bites her lip, her heart fluttering with worry. She tries calling him a few more times, but each times, but goes to voice mail. She sends him a text, hoping he will at least respond to that.

Hours pass, and still there is no response. She tries calling again but it's like he is disappeared off the face of the earth. Frustrated and worried, she decides to call Taehyung, hoping he might know something.
"Hey Taehyung, have you heard from Jungkook? " Taehyung answer the call with a puzzled expression. "No Y/n , I haven't heard from Jungkook a while. Why did you ask?"
Her heart raises as she explains "He is not answering my calls or texts" she clings to the hope that nothing happened to Jungkook, but deep down she fears the worst.
"Do you think something might have happened to him?"
"I don't think so Y/n. He might have just lost his phone or forgotten to charge it. Let  me give him a call and see if I can get a hold of him"

Y/n nods, grateful for Taehyung's help . She waits anxiously, hoping to hear Jungkook's voice on the other end. But all she hears is Taehyung's frustrated sigh as he hangs up.
"I can't reach him Y/n. But you don't need to worry about that. Maybe he is sleeping with his parents, I think that's why he didn't answering our calls"
Y/n let's out a sigh of relief feeling a bit foolish for worrying so much "Okay, that makes sense" she said
Taehyung modded "Yeah, that's probably it. But just to be sure, we can call him tomorrow before college. Don't worry. See you in college Y/n good night"
Y/n says goodnight to Taehyung and hang up feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

Next day-

As Y/n , Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi seating together in the college cafeteria, the conversation inevitably turns to Jungkook "So , any of you heard from him yet?" Yoongi asks, pushing his glasses up his nose.
Taehyung shakes his head "Nope, still nothing. I tried calling him again this morning but it went straight to voice mail. It's not like him to ignore us like this " Taehyung  brow furrows with concern as he takes a sip of his drink.
Y/n bite her lip, feeling a knot form in her stomach. "What is he's hurt... Or worse? "

Her voice wavers, betraying her growing anxiety. Jimin puts a comforting hand on her shoulder "Don't think like that Y/n ! Jungkook is a tough guy ,he can handle himself. I think he lost his phone,  he said that he would come back after 3 or 4 days , we will wait till he come back" Jimin said
Yoongi nods in agreement "Jimin is right, Jungkook is a grown man, hey can take care of himself. Let's give him a few more days before we start panicking" Yoongi said.

Y/n take a deep breath trying to come her nerves. There words do help a little, reminding her that Jungkook is more than capable of taking care of himself. Still she can't shake the feeling that something is not quite right.


Day's have passed with still no word from Jungkook. She has been a wreck, barely eating and sleeping. As her  sit alone in her room, her phone rings. She quickly pick up the phone hoping to hear Jungkook's voice on the other end. Instead it's the police. The officer's voice is grave. "Miss , we found a phone belongs to Mr.Jungkook near the river bank. It was damaged" Y/n's heart stops. The officer continues "We're searching the area now.." her world crumples around her as the officers word's trials off.

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