Chapter 12: Cian O'Shea

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"I want you to stay on Quinn today, Kieran. Follow discreetly behind her if she leaves her house. Don't let her catch on that you are following her, understand?"

"Yes I understand." Kieran says.'' What are you going to do?" He asks curiously.

"I am going to go take care of Seth Moore." I say with a wicked smile."

Why don't you just let her find out about it?" Kieran asks questionably.

My smile immediately fades and I reply "Because if Quinn finds that out my entire plan is fucked."

"Why's that?'' Kieran prompts. "She will think I am only after her for that." I say back flatly.

"Then she would be a smart girl." Kieran says back with a chuckle. However when he sees I am not laughing he quickly changes the subject. "Okay I will watch her this morning on the monitor and then follow her I won't let you down."

"Great." I say and take off out the back door. It didn't take me long to track down Seth Moore. I sniffed him out so easily a civilian could have done it. Luckily I got here first It looks like I think with glee. I knew Quinn hadn't even gotten up yet when I left but you just never know.

I am outside Seth Moore's home when I see him pull in from working the night shift at the hospital. I try to make myself feel bad that I am about to kill a doctor but I can't. The need to fulfill my revenge and keep Quinn from finding out who her real parents are justifies the kill alone. I go around to the left side of the house and the large window is open. It was easy enough to remove the screen leaving it undamaged to get inside.

I find Seth in his bathroom. He practically has a heart attack when he sees me but I am too quick for him. My needle slips into his neck and he falls to the floor. The vial contained a medicine that would stop his heart causing cardiac arrest. This way it looks like he died of natural causes.

By the time I carefully guide myself out of the window and replace the screen I am thinking of Quinn. I wonder if she knows Seth's name yet. Then I get a text that makes me almost crush my phone in my bare hand.

Kieran: "I lost her man. I got t-boned trying to follow her and I am tying to track her now from a hospital bed."

"Fuck!" I shout out loud and call Kieran. He picks up and gives me a play by play. What the fuck she figured out my man was tailing her and evaded his tail causing him to crash. I am honestly impressed even though I don't express that as I can see he is already pissed and so am I.

She shouldn't be able to evade him as he has had years of practice in this industry. "How the fuck did you let her get away?" I snarl at him.

"I am sorry I guess she caught me at the right moment."

"FUCK!" I yell into the phone and hang up. I head back to my apartment in hopes of finding a clue to where Quinn could have gone through the video cameras.

I am even more pissed when I rewind the fucking tapes and realize Quinn stayed home from work and is in her underwear. Kieran shouldn't be the one monitoring her, it should only be me damnit.

She is fucking mine and Kieran better know it. I don't give a fuck if he is laid up in a hospital bed right now or not. If he so much as has a dream about her he is dead. Just the fact he saw Quinn in her underwear makes me want to slice off his eyelids and then sew them shut.

Kieran better not fuck with me because I am not messing around when it comes to Quinn. She is going to make my fucking dreams come true. Quinn will help me claim the criminal underworld as our own.

Shit she is looking everything up on her phone and it's too hard to read through the live feed. Without better and more high tech software there is no way to know what Quinn is typing on her phone. What am I not thinking about? Where the fuck did she go?

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