Chapter 29: Cian O'Shea

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I barely slept last night, thinking about Quinn sleeping in the same room as Rory. Not to mention the meeting coming up tomorrow with everyone. There is so much to do today. Yet the only thing I can think about is the picture-perfect sight of my release leaking out of Quinn's pink flesh. When she told me she was ovulating, something primal took over—an instinct to be inside her.

The look on her face when I released was full of desperation, which only made me want her more. I want to fill her completely and make her mine. The thought of pulling out of her actually hurt. That's not going to happen. Ever. Even if she wanted me to, I would distract her with pleasure until it's too late.

The odds are already so stacked against us, and I need to tie my queen to me irrevocably. I was getting hourly text updates from a grumpy Quill and Rylee, but I didn't care. I needed to know what she was doing and how she was acting. According to Rylee, I'm glad I wasn't there, or I might have snapped Rory's neck.

His text nearly made me break my phone as it was. Rylee texted, "She has everyone wrapped around her finger, in love, doesn't she?" He must have seen it too, how Rory is clearly in love with Quinn. She denies it, but I know she has to know. She just doesn't want to lose him; that's why she plays along.

Quinn isn't in love with Rory, and I think he knows that too. She does love him, which is evident since she refuses to leave his side. It's the morning after we came home, and I'm waiting for an update from Quill and Rylee. I'm already ready and have made some calls, responding to queries about the meeting time and place. Everything is set for the new location, I have been assured as much.

I'm on the phone, telling my movers Quinn's apartment address when I get a text from Rylee. I tell the person to gather the belongings there and bring them to this new address. I look down at my phone, and white-hot fury runs through me. Grabbing my jacket, I'm out the door in a second. I call Rylee back immediately.

I needed to know what she was doing and how she was acting. According to Rylee, I'm glad I wasn't there, or I might have snapped Rory's neck. His text nearly made me break my phone as it was. Rylee texted, 'She has everyone wrapped around her finger, in love, doesn't she?' He must have seen it too, how Rory is clearly in love with Quinn. She denies it, but I know she has to know. She just doesn't want to lose him; that's why she plays along.

"Quinn isn't in love with Rory, and I think he knows that too. She does love him, which is evident since she refuses to leave his side. It's the morning after we came home, and I'm waiting for an update from Quill and Rylee. I'm already ready and have made some calls, responding to queries about the meeting time and place. Everything is set for the new location, I have been assured as much."

I'm on the phone, telling my movers Quinn's apartment address when I get a text from Rylee. I tell the person to gather the belongings there and bring them to this new address. I look down at my phone, and white-hot fury runs through me. Grabbing my jacket, I'm out the door in a second. I call Rylee back immediately.

"You saw what?" I ask him menacingly.
"I went to lay eyes on her like you said first thing this morning, and she was sleeping in the cot with him."
"Has she woken up yet?" I ask sharply.
"No," Rylee says back immediately.

"I'm on my way," I snap and hang up the phone. I walk past a startled receptionist at the hospital because I know what room she is in. I don't bother when the woman yells after me, "Sir, Sir, you need to sign in!" I ignore her.

Then I see Quinn. She is standing with two coffees just outside of Rory's dad's room. Quinn jumps when she sees me.

"Cian, what are you doing here?" she asks, glancing back at Rylee and Quill.

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