That's what friends do

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"Ajax's is in my homeroom,"Riley starts."On the first day our teacher made us talk about ourselves and our summer. I explained I bunch of easy science problems. The whole time I was talking Ajax was staring a hole through my head. Ever since then he's been finding little excuses to talk or hang out with me. He's been giving me lots of different things too. For example, today despite being all the way across the room from me he asked if he could borrow MY extra pencil because his broke. Spoiler alert, his pencil wasn't broken he just wanted to talk to me."Riley shrugs as if it's extremely normal for someone to go out of their way to see/talk/hang out with him.

Monique heavily sighs,"He's gay!" Piper flicks Monique's forehead.

"How's Ajax gay?"I ask. Everyone(except Riley)turns to me."Me and Remy do that kind of stuff all the time! He's always sneaking me sweets and I'm always adding songs to the special Remy playlist. He's always complimenting me whenever he can and I always make sure he goes to sleep before 1:00 am because I want to make sure he's getting some rest otherwise I'll worry about his health and well being. That's just what friends do!" Everyone stares at me harder, while Remy's face turns red. Remy clears his throat.

"You're right Conner,"Remy mumbles."I mean we don't actually know if Ajax's gay. He could just be trying to be Riley's friend! Also just because he doesn't like my sister doesn't mean he doesn't like the entire female population."Monique sticks out her tongue at Remy. I laugh at their attics.

"Soooo, can I have some of that or...?" I say pointing to Remy's bento box. Remy pulls out a second bento box from his backpack.

"I packed you your own dumbass,"Remy spat."Yours has frog shaped marshmallows by the way!" I'm smiling so hard my face hurts and all I can do is look at him. He's really is the bestest friend ever!

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