engaging reality.

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The blinding sunlight made the blonde groan. He shielded his honey eyes with the sheets but instantly leapt up, the realisation that he was naked, dawning on him. Last night's event came flooding back and his eyes widened. He gulped as so many questions lingered in his head and his mind desperately tried to reflect on things he couldn't quite comprehend. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find where hatred had turned into desire. He became frustrated with himself for carrying out such actions. But self-lecture would have to wait. 8:45am. Form was already in session and if he didn't make it in for his first lesson on time, he was done for. Springing up from the bed, he noticed a clean uniform left out for him on the desk. He picked it up and was about to throw it on when he noticed the mess covering his skin. Violently face palming, he rushed into the shower. Getting ready at light speed, the blonde sprinted out to the car and found the driver waiting for him.

"Hello Mr Wheeler. Master Kaiba told me that you would be running late. He ordered me to get you this." The man dressed in a black suit and cap handed over a small paper bag, containing a fast breakfast. "He also instructed me to hand you this." The driver graciously handed over a small piece of paper from his inside jacket pocket.

Once inside, Joey opened up the note. It was a letter to his teacher, explaining Joey's tardiness and excusing him for being late. The blonde sighed in relief. He knew he would have been toast if Kaiba hadn't done this for him.

He hurriedly made his way into the classroom and watched as the other students silently prayed for Joey's poor soul. His teacher instantly glared at the teen and pushed up her glasses dramatically.

"Mr Wheeler. This is unacceptable! Showing up 20 minutes late for class. You better have a damn good excuse or you are in detention for the rest of the term." She boomed.

The blonde gulped nervously, his father didn't even scare him half as much this woman. He hastily handed over the note and she snatched it from him. After examining it, she scowled angrily. "A note won't save you next time Mr Wheeler."

Joey exhaled deeply in relief. Taking his seat next to Yugi, his friends surrounded him with questions.

"Wow Joey, I thought you were a gonner! What did that note say?" Yugi asked eagerly.

"Yeah man, it must have been something major to get Miss James off your back." Tristan spoke from the desk behind Joey.

"Nothing, it was just a fake I wrote myself."

"Well you are lucky to be alive, she can normally sniff out fake excuses like a hound." Téa exclaimed from behind Yugi.

The blonde then focused back on the task at hand, he couldn't risk getting into trouble now. But soon, his mind wondered. And one question crawled around in his head. Where was Kaiba? He didn't wake up next to him nor did he see him in the car. Joey looked at the brunette's desk. Empty. He sighed with slight relief. He didn't have to face him quite yet. But the question of his whereabouts still haunted Joey for the rest of the day.

Upon returning to the mansion, Joey decided to enquire about Kaiba and his sudden disappearance. "I'm sorry Mr Wheeler but Master Kaiba was called away early this morning around 5am. He didn't give any information on where he was going, only instructions to tend to you yourself sir."

"Oh, well thanks." Joey smiled weakly. The whole situation was such a mess and the blonde wanted nothing more than to straighten it out. He paced up to his room, a million thoughts rushing through his head. Flopping back on the bed, he sighed. Why did he kiss Kaiba back? Why did Kaiba even kiss him in the first place? Anger built up in Joey's blood. He couldn't believe he did such a thing and with the person he hated most in the world. He was used and when this whole thing was over he will have been robbed of both his first kiss and virginity. But then again, would things go back to normal? Would his relationship with the brunette change forever?

So many unanswered questions in combination with self-frustration made the blonde tired. He fell asleep almost immediately, letting his mind relax for the first time today.


"Come in." The ex-gang member said groggily, sitting up in bed.

The maid jumped into the room with a smile on her face. "Im so sorry to disturb you Mr Wheeler, here are your clothes for today. Also Andrew is waiting in the dining hall, he has a message for you." She said cheerfully.

"Andrew?" Joey questioned, still half asleep.

"The butler, sir."

"Oh sorry, I didn't think I would be here long enough to get on a first name basis." The blonde blushed.

The maid giggled lightly. "Well, it looks like you will be staying here a while. Master Kaiba even ordered for your own clothes to be brought over. Oh, and if we are on a first name basis, my name is Laney, Sir."

"Nice to meet you but you don't have to call me sir. Joey is just fine."

"Okay Si... I mean Joey. Andrew is awating downstairs. Breakfast will be served in 10 minutes." She bowed her head and left the room, slowly closing the door behind her.

Joey yawned and hopped out of bed and his gaze shifted to the pile of clothes on the chair. They were indeed his own. His white top patterned with blue edges, jeans and his blue jacket. He threw them on after a quick shower and made his way downstairs.

"Good morning Sir." The butler bowed as Joey approached him.

"Good morning, and please call me Joey."

"Well Joey, I received a message from Master Kaiba. He will be returning tonight and he also sent this. I have clear instructions that this for your eyes only." He spoke in a deep, humble tone. After handing the letter to Joey, he bowed his head and headed in the direction of the kitchen. The blonde quickly opened up the letter and read.


I will be returning at 7:00pm sharp and I expect as good a performance as the other night. However there is a favour I must ask of you. I need you to pick up something for me. Can't have my puppy running off now can we?

Seto Kaiba,

Joey just stood there, a blank expression on his face. He didn't know what to think. Kaiba was wanting a repeat performance? Was he serious? Joey simply shrugged it off and decided to wait for the brunette to return home to contemplate such matters.

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