alone again.

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I'm so sorry it's been forever! But I've finally got my passion for writing back after finishing my A levels! Thanks so much for sticking with me! 
Rachel xx

The ravanette's eyes widened. Standing up from the younger Kaiba's bed, the brunette turned to leave. After telling his brother the whole story, the CEO felt a slight ache. He paced over to the door, trying his best not to show the agony he was in.

"Can't I come?"

The elder turned to the boy with confusion plastered over his face. "What are you taking about Moki?"

Brown eyes looked saddened at his brother's words but also held a hint of anger. "You just told me that you and Joey were in a relationship, things turned south and he ran off. Aren't you going to go find him?"

Kaiba scoffed. Like hell he would go after that blonde idiot. He warned him. Joey only had himself to blame. "Of course not. That mutt chose to run away, it's not my problem."

"Of course it's your problem Seto! I was there at that moment. With just those few words, you shattered his heart. That's why he ran off. Maybe you won't ever understand Seto but I could tell he loved you." Mokuba screamed. He turned off his lamp forcefully and dove back into bed, wrapping his covers over his head, not wanting to see his older brother's face.

The CEO huffed, closing the door slightly harder than necessary. His back towards the ravenette's door, the brunette let out a breath he had no idea he was holding. Taking a step forward, he began heading towards his own room to sleep off the dramatic day, when suddenly he froze. His gaze was fixed on the door to Joey's room. Before thinking twice, he grabbed the door handle and made his way inside.

The blonde's scent still lingered in the room. The most comforting smell Kaiba had ever known. Stepping further inside, he traced the desk with his finger, slowly, hoping somehow he would feel something more than dry, lifeless wood.

The window then drew his attention and he looked through the glass wall, onto the night lit city below. His focus then came upon the reflection in the glass. The bed was unmade as always and books were cluttered over the covers.

He turned around to see the bed itself. It was the spot where he could feel the blonde's being the most. Sitting on the edge, he remembered the nights of passion and love.


The word seemed foreign to the brunette. Never in his life had he loved another human being other than his brother which was a different kind of love.


The word that described what he saw in Joey's eyes in those nights together. The word that lingered in his blood when kissing the blonde.
The word that summed up his feelings towards the ex-gang member.


Jumping to his feet, the brunette began sprinting. He made his way out of the room, down the hall and steps without looking back.

He had to find Joey. As only then did he realise, there was a pretty good chance he was falling in love.

The small brown eyed boy sighed smiling, closing his door as his tired eyes began to close.

Joey turned away from the railing, his eyes filled with tears and his throat sore from screaming. He sunk down to the ground and sobbed until he felt like there was no water left in his body.

The school was closed but the blonde knew all of the secret exits, though never had he imagined he would sneak IN to school. Though desperate times call for desperate measures.

He placed his heavy head into his palms and begged for the pain to go away. Never in his life had he been so happy and it all came tumbling down with those few little words...

It's over.

Being beaten by his father, fighting with school bullies, the pain didn't even compare to what he felt when those words left Kaiba's mouth. It was the most excruciating thing he had ever felt.

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