Chapter Twentyfour

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-A week later-

Clem's POV

Searching up facts about werewolves on my laptop, I learned a little about them. Mostly that they live in packs, can shift from human to wolf whenever they want, they have a system on who's on top and who's at the bottom, etc etc.

Even through it's been a week since finding out about werewolf kind, it's still a little hard to accept what's going on. Especially that fact that I'm turning into one all because I got bit a while back.

As it turns out, Riley's parents are the Alpha and Luna of the Pack whose territory I am in and also running this entire city in the shadows. Their son, Mateo will be the next Alpha if his father ever dies or when he retires.

They are also looking for the person, or...wolf, that bit me because turning a human against their will is a very strong no no in the werewolf community that earns you a serious punishment.

Hearing a knock on the door, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at it, standing up. Walking over and opening the door, Riley smiled at me, sweat running down her face, wearing a black tank top and shorts. "Hey."

"Hey, Riley." Moving out of the way, Riley walked into my apartment and I closed the door. Trying my best to not stare at her sexy body.

Riley has also been coming over every day after I found out about everything to teach me about werewolf kind that isn't on the internet.

Turning around, Riley took a seat on the couch, looking around for a moment. "Where's Elijah and Levi?" I walked over to her. "Taking a nap. We went to the park today and they were pretty tired when we left. So do please try to be quiet to not wake them."

Giving me a thumbs up while nodding her head, I smiled. "So, you want anything? Water or a snack?" She wiped the sweat off her brow and chucked. "Glass of water, please. I was running for a little bit to blow off some steam."

Ignoring the blush forming on my cheeks, I mumble an okay and quickly went over to the kitchen. Feeling Riley watching me when I did so before I returned with a glass of water with ice, handing it to her.

"Thank you." Our hands touched when I was passing the water, sending sparks up my arm. My blushed worsened and I quickly snatched my hand back, rubbing my arm to calm myself.

Riley looked slightly sad when I did that but a smirk grow on her lips as she took a sip of the water. Gulping half of it down before pulling the glass away, letting out a sigh of relief. "That was good. Thank you." I nodded, silently watching her.

She put the glass down onto the coffee table before leaning back into the couch, staring over at me. Looking me up and down with lust filled eyes which I don't know why. I was simply in a string shirt and pj pants. Nothing to really look at.

"Clem." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Riley. She rubbed the back of her neck nervously and shifted uncomfortably. "There's something I have to tell you."

My brows furrowed in confusion and I folded my arms over my chest. "What is it?"

Just as Riley went to speak, there was a loud cry coming from the boys room. My head snapped over to their bedroom door and I rushed over, hearing Riley get up and follow me.

Opening the door, I quickly looked around and my eyes landed on Elijah. He was sitting up from his toddler bed and was crying his little heart out.

"Eli, what happened?" Elijah snapped his head up to look at me as I walked over to him. "Bad dream, mama." He sobbed, raising his arms as tears ran down his face.

Lifting him up, Elijah immediately buried his face into my chest. Still sobbing as I rubbed his back to comfort him, whispering sweet nothing into his ear. After a while, he stopped.

I sighed, continuing to rub his back. Hearing someone clear their throat, I looked over and realized that Riley was still here. "Oh, Riley, what did you want to talk about."

Her eyes widened. "Oh, umm. There's a high chance that you'll be shifting in a day or two so it'll be best if I'm around to keep you calm and everything so no humans see you." I nodded my head. "That's sounds good to me."

"Great." She turned her back to me and walked away out of the room.

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