Chapter 19

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I take a deep breath and look Zane in the eyes.

"I know what you did with Cassie," I say quietly.

"You've always known. Haven't you? I mean, I figured you knew we just kissed a couple times," Zane replies, obviously acting like he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"No, I know you guys didn't do just that," I reply, venom laced through my words.

Zane’s face turns hard and he balls up his fists.

"Who told you? Who told you what we did?" Zane asks in an angry voice.

"Cassie," I respond. "Who else?"

Zane grunts.

"So would you care to explain to me why you lied to me when you told me that you and Cassie didn't do it?" I asked.

"I didn't want you to get upset," Zane mutters.

"That's a crap answer. I'm more upset now that I had to find out from her," I yell, getting angrier.

"You weren't supposed to find out!" Zane yells back.

"So it's my fault that I'm upset because I found out?" I cry in disbelief.

"Well-," Zane starts.

"You know what? Screw you. I'm going," I get up from the couch and stalk out.

"Wait Bri-" I hear him say before I slam the door shut.

I know I probably should have let him talk more. We might've been able to work this out. But right now, I'm not ready to forgive Zane. I stumble over to my house and slouch up the steps. I step inside and walk over to the couch before collapsing in a big heap. I hate boyfriend and girlfriend drama. Actually, I hate drama in general.

I let out a huge sigh. I lie there in complete boredom for about an hour. Then Cherri calls me and says she's coming to pick me up to get ready for the party. Why do we have to get ready so early? Why can't we just do what guys do? Take a shower, throw some clothes on and head out. Boys have it pretty easy if you ask me.

In less than 20 minutes Cherri is in my house and attempting to drag me out. I groan and dig my heels into the carpet.

"Brianna! You promised me you'd go!" she shrieked.

"I did?" I asked. I have no memory of that whatsoever.

"Um...Yeah?" she said.

"Are you sure-?" I asked still trying to remember our previous conversation.

"Hush up your wasting precious time!" she said cutting me off.

I grumbled and gave in. I let her drag me out to her car. She stands me up in front of the passenger side. I stand there and make no effort to get inside the car. She starts to walk around to the driver’s side. Then she stops and looks at me.

"Aren't you going to get in?" she questions with an eyebrow raised.

"Nope," I say rocking on my heels.

Cherri squints her eyes at me then throws her hands up.

"You make everything difficult!"

"I know," I say with a smile.

Cherri stomps over and opens my car door. I continue to stand there. Cherri grumbles and awkwardly picks me up and tries to place me in the car. Finally, she manages to get me in the car. I'm laughing like a maniac and she's fuming.


She looks at me with a warning glare.

"What Bri?"

My childhood best friend just moved back...and he's a total god (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now