Chapter 10

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Wow chapter 10 already! 


Wow I just read an amazing book this weekend! It was like 700 + pages and I finished it in 3 days. It's called Ruined and it's by Simone Elkeles. It's super good!

Kay well anyway,

My childhood best friend just moved back...and he's a total God

Chapter 10


Brianna's POV

I sit in the bathroom stall crying my eyes out wondering why Zane would do that, when I hear someone walk in. I quickly stop sobbing because, well, it's embarrassing to be crying in a bathroom stall like some cliché teenage girl who just got there heart broken. Which is exactly what I was. I sit on the toilet in silence while I wait for the person to do there business and get the hell out of the bathroom so I can continue sobbing. At that moment I realize how pathetic I must seem, but I'm past caring what people think of me right now.

"Bri?" I hear a familiar voice say. "Is that you?"

"Yeah," I mutter, "It's me,"

Well I guess Cherri found out where I was.

"How did you find me?" I asked curiously.

"Well...I saw Zane running around frantically and I asked him what was up. He said he needed to find you. He said that you were upset. And me, being a girl, new that upset girls tended to hang out in bathroom I checked all the bathrooms till I found you." she replied.

I open the bathroom stall and throw myself in to Cherri's arms.

"I saw Zane kissing Cassie," I say, sobbing into her shoulder.

I hear Cherri take in a quick breath.

"I'm so sorry! I thought he liked you! I mean, that's what he said." she sputtered.

"I thought he liked me too..." I muttered.

Cherri looks at me with fire burning in her eyes.

"I'm gonna go kick his ass!" she declares.

I let out a small laugh.

"Better yet," I say. "Why not his balls?"

"Those too!" she yells as she heads out of the bathroom with some serious determination in her.

Once I'm alone in the bathroom I take a look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I looked like a freakin' raccoon. I walk over to the sink and run the hot water. I pull a paper towel out of the dispenser and wet it. I proceed dabbing my eyes until they look less like a forest animal on crack. Once I'm satisfied I run a hand through my hair and decide I look decent enough to go back to lunch, which is probably almost over by now.


Zane's POV

I'm running around the school like a mad man and I don't care. I really need to find Bri. I am currently running down the halls flailing my arms around and asking people if they've seen her. Just when I started to think that she disappeared of the face of the Earth, I see Cherri emerging from a bathroom.

"Cherri!" I call out.

She turns around and...Jeez if looks could kill....

She's glaring at me like I'm the scum of the Earth. She marches over to me.

My childhood best friend just moved back...and he's a total god (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now