Chapter Five

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Hey, this chapter might not be as up to scratch but it's just a filler really... Plus I want you all to experience Cade and Aeja's relationship. I don't want to just rush into the action so quickly you know? So please bear with me. Enough said... Enjoy...


"Aeja." Lani shook me awake.

Oh my God can't I get some sleep around here!

"What is it now?" I asked.

"She's not feeling well," she looked over at my bed where the Electi was stirring and groaning.

"What's wrong with her?"

"I think she has a fever... Maybe I can give her some herbs?"

"Maybe," I said as I got up from the couch,"What time is it?"

Her response was 4:20. Shoot!

"I am going to find Aiden," I told her.

I hurriedly went to the bathroom. After washing up, I dragged on a pair of slacks similar to the one I had on but this one was shorter. I went into my closet to fetch a coat and headed out after I told Lani to try the herbs. I had to find Aiden.

Earlier with him was not exactly fun but it was...nice maybe?

I headed towards the TR, somehow  knowing that that was where he would be.

I opened the translucent glass door and stepped into the room.

He was hanging from a rope in the ceiling. His feet wrapped around the top of the rope and his head was at the bottom— assuming the position of a bat.

When he saw me, he released his hold on the rope and fell headlong to the floor. Thankfully for my heart, his palm stopped him from breaking his neck. He balanced himself upright on his palm and his other hand was resting on his back.


"You're late Miss Cyzek." he stated.

Here we go again.

"Yeah sorry but the kid is sick."

He somersaulted and stood on his feet like a normal person.

"Fever?" He asked as he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his neck.


"It'll wear off. It happens occasionally."

"So no training then?" I asked. My voice came out a bit too cheery at the thought.

"Well Miss Cyzek,there's the door."

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded and reverted to his rope exercise.

What game was he playing?

I gingerly walked towards the door but looked back to see if he was staring at me.

He wasn't.

I walked out and stopped in the dimly lit hall.

Ok,so he didn't give me any warnings or any lecturings. That was odd. I stood there contemplating whether to go back to my room or to go back inside.

Do I really need this?

Miss Britishce will kill me if I don't carry out my duties.

Why do I even care?

I was having a serious inner battle with myself. I decided to let go of my pride, for once, and went back into the room.

"Ahh, Miss Cyzek you're back," he jumped from the rope," I was beginning to think that the high hopes I had for you was an in the moment thought."

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