Chapter Three

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Small, cold hands jolted me awake. I jumped up to find the Electi standing infront of the couch and peering down at me.

"What do you want? And why are you in slacks?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Aiden is here."

Who? Oh... Hot mentor guy.

What would he be doing at my dorm room?

"What for?" I asked.

"Training." she simply stated. I glanced up at the Hello Kitty clock above Lani's bed.

"When he said 'Training Begins Tomorrow Morning' I didn't know that he meant 4 fricking a.m!"

The brown-haired girl shrugged.

"Where is he?" I muttered.

She pointed towards the dark hallway.

Are you kidding me right now?

I got up from the dumb sofa (sulking like a clean pig) and headed to the bathroom. I pinned my hair up in a messy bun, freshened up a bit and went back into the room.

"Where are you going?" Lani asked groggily and yawned.

"Training." I grumbled.

"Well I'm glad I ain't you," she remarked.

"Whatever!" I gave her a finger and headed through the door with the Electi trailing behind.

The hallway was dark. Very dark and cold. Where the hell is this guy?

A hand grabbed the back of my neck. A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins and I reacted immediately. I leaned over and kicked my foot back. The person released their hold as my foot collided with their chest. My eyes adjusted a bit to the darkness and I pushed the Electi behind me. I still couldn't see my attacker. A fist came into focus. I grabbed it but was rewarded by being shoved into the wall.

Hot breath brushed against my cheeks. I noted that the person had the aroma of cinnamon.

"Good, but not good enough Miss Cyzek. You get an F." a familiar voice whispered and released me. He removed his mask(which was actually a tam with holes to see through) from his face. Aiden. His hair was messy but it looked good anyways.

"That was totally unfair," I grumbled,"You attacked me in the dark."

"You must be prepared for anything Miss Cyzek. Do you think the Dark Clan cares about trivial things like the dark? They live for the dark. Which is why you must know your way around that darkness. That is why this training is important."

Ok ok John the Baptist.

Light flooded the hallway and I had to cover my eyes and squint a million times for them to adjust.

He was in full black. A black track shorts, a black tshirt which showed off his well-defined chest and a black sneakers. I didn't know if it was an upgrade or a downgrade from his suit and tie but he still looked steaming hot to me.

He began to run down the hallway without looking back.

"Come on!" The Electi urged as she began to run also.

By the time I exited the building, my legs were wobbly and my breathing was ragged.

Thankfully, the running insulated my body so I was no longer bothered by the cold. Aiden and Cassia stood near the square,obviously waiting on me. I walked over to where they were.

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