Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Pic of Cade up top!! Tehe!

After emptying my bladder, I headed into the kitchen to see if I could do anything about the insistent growlings of the lions in my tummy.

Goosebumps scattered all over my body as my bare feet glided over the freezing floor. The snow had picked up drastically and the cold draft was beating against the cabin in protest.

"Ah crap," I groaned as I spotted Aiden standing at the cabin window.

He was peering out at the snow; deep in thought it seemed, with his hands folded across his well-defined chest. I had forgotten just how great he looked. He was in a casual jeans and a plain white t-shirt which greatly highlighted his muscles.

The cold did not bother him as usual for he had the ability to warm himself. For non-fire users like myself, I had to depend on the body's natural way of producing heat: by shivering like crazy.

I always said that one's ability should match their personality. Aiden wasn't really fiery. I mean, don't get me wrong he was smoking hottt(note the use of multiple t's) and he was a God at combat; but being pyro would probably fit me better.

I whipped my head around to focus on the refridgerator when he finally sensed my presence.

"Miss Cyzek..." His voice was silky and low.

Per usual, my mind began to stray into my fantasy land of him calling my name out of admiration or lust; not just businesslike.

Think about food!  I screamed internally.

"Sup?" I muttered and shoved my head deep inside the freezer just to avoid his blue gaze.

Ah,milk. I took one from the freezer and went to search for something to eat with it—possibly cereal.

I felt his gaze burning a hole into the back of my head as I stretched towards the food cabinet to try and grab the box of Honey Nut Cheerios I had spotted.

"Come on..." I gritted my teeth as my too-short hands failed to grasp the box.

"Stupid cerea—"

My respiratory organs stopped functioning temporarily as I felt someone's body standing directly behind me. I was all too familiar with that distinct smell of cinnamon and that swirling mass of warmth.

Think about food, I coaxed myself again as my rebel thoughts resurrected.

His hand grazed against my neck as he reached up to grab the cereal box. My nerves were instantly set ablaze by the contact. I sucked in my breath.

Why must he affect me so badly?

He placed it on the kitchen counter infront of me. I could almost feel his warm breath brushing against the skin of my neck.

"Uh, thanks..." I cleared my throat and ducked around him to get to where the bowls and dishes were located.

I needed to get out of that kitchen.

"Miss Cyzek I wish to speak to you..."

I stopped dead in my tracks and closed my eyes for a while in frustration.

"About?" I asked and stuffed my mouth with cereal in an attempt to avoid his eyes.

"Well I think that—"

"Sorry don't mind me," Cassia's small voice entered the kitchen," Just...getting something to eat."

Her eyes travelled to Aiden and nervousness rippled through her aura.

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