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Suddenly she notices Mr Wright. She rushes towards him, but halts as soon as she sees him with a girl, that girl, Lily Kingsley.

"Mary!" Mr Wright greets her and both he and Miss Kingsley walk towards her. "Have you met Miss Kingsley?" He asks as she recovers.

"Yes, go way back," Mary answers with a smile.

"Yes," Lily confirms.

"Very well them," Mr Wright replies as an awkward silence ensues.

"I heard you are returning to London soon," Mary asks.

"Yes, I am," he said with sadness. "But you have Jane! When you come to visit her you can also visit me," he suggested. "But only if you want."

"I am going to visit Jane, either this or next summer!" Mary says with excitement. "But I am not sure if I want to visit you," she says sarcastically.


"Burdensome," she replies.

"Who you to Jane?" He says as they start laughing.

"Never, Jane loves me," Mary replies still laughing.

"Is it your second time here Mary?" Lily asked interrupting them.

"Yes," Mary replied caught off guard.

"Didn't you play piano the last time you came here?" Miss Kingsley asked maliciously. "I hope you have improved," she said with a cunning smirk.


"Yes, Miss Bennet plays piano very beautifully," Mr Wright replies. "Do you play Miss Kingsley?

"Oh, a little—but you must have heard Mary play piano when the first Netherfield ball took place! It was utter amusement. She was so off and to add she sang too!" Lily said laughing. "But we were all children back then and I am so very glad you have improved from what Mr Wright tells me.

"Have you not heard her play?" Mr Wright asks Miss Kingsley.

"Not recently—

"How is your engagement?" Mary asked sternly as she had had it with Lily Kingsley's cunning games.

"Oh—I—I am not engaged anymore," she said with a sad tone.

"Why?" Mary continued without sympathy.

"Oh, I—I —-

"You do not need to answer that, Miss Kingsley," Mr Wright interrupted.

"Thank you," Lily said to Mr Wright as she touched his arm.

This triggered Mary but she could not do anything. Lily Kingsley and Mary knew each other, they grew up in the same circles but were never friends. Lily did not fancy Mary, who was a peculiar, nerdy middle child going through her awkward teenage phase. On the other hand Mary did not like Lily who she thought was pretentious and fake.

"Here, some champagne for you ladies," Mr Wright says as he hands over glasses to each of them.

"It is truly a splendid Ball. My compliments to Jane," says Miss Kingsley

"Yes, thank you," Mary replies.

"And congratulations on Elizabeth's pregnancy too," Lily adds.

"Thank you," Mary says again. Things were starting to lighten up. Mary was less angry now and wanted to give Lily a chance, at least for the sake of Mr Wright.

"I haven't seen your other sister around, is she here?" Miss Kingsley asks curiously.

"Kitty must be dancing somewhere," Mary replies with a smile.

Mary Bennet : Pride and PrejudiceWhere stories live. Discover now