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"Seriously?" I yelled as I found yet another one of my items of clothing in my sister's suitcase.

"When are you going to stop stealing my clothes, Talia!" The only response I received was a snicker that travelled up the stairs and into my bedroom.

Getting ready for school was always a struggle for me. Between getting out of bed on time and finding the appropriate outfit to wear, school mornings proved almost impossible for me. But having to get ready to go to a school that I'd never been to in a city that I was completely new to when I'd hardly even settled down took it to the next level.

I trudged my way through all of the unnecessary clutter clogging the fairly spacious room that I was temporarily sharing with my sister to get to the mirror. I wasn't usually concerned about my physical appearance, but I had to make at least some effort on the first day of school. I applied light makeup and quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"Davina! Get your ass down here, we're gonna be late!" I rolled my eyes, ignoring Talia's yelling.

"Talia! Watch your mouth!" I heard my mom's reprimand from downstairs.

When I had finally gotten everything I needed I made my way downstairs, where my sister was waiting impatiently.

"About time(!)" I heard her mutter under her breath.

"Girl, you better keep your mouth shut unless you want to walk."

Talia huffed as she turned around and headed out of the door into our driveway, where my blue Ford Focus was parked. Our new Texas house was very different from our condo in LA. First off our LA home obviously didn't have a driveway. Second of all, it was much bigger and there was definitely more space. That's something I wasn't used to, coming from LA.

I quickly said bye to my mom and made my way to my car. I could say that I wasn't nervous at all about starting my senior year in a brand new school and totally different environment but that would be a total lie.

"Excited for your first day?" I turned my head to Talia who was in the seat next to me, who seemed to be engrossed by something on her phone.

"Sure." Was her bored reply as she continued to stare at her phone. I rolled my eyes before turning the ignition.


Roddenberry High School's building wasn't what I was expecting. It was an old building, made out of some kind of stone. It was only three stories high but that was made up for by its vastness. There were big brass gates that had to be driven through before entering the school premises.

We entered the gate just in time to here the bell ring and to see the a bunch of late students rushing to get to the door.

"Here goes." Talia sighed, looking surprisingly nervous. This was unusual because Talia never got nervous she had the biggest mouth I've ever seen on a fifteen year old.

I looked up at the daunting building, not knowing what to expect when I went in. We gingerly advanced towards the high school. Once we got to the closed doors we stopped and looked at each other. There was silence as we stood at the now empty entrance, the angst Talia was feel was clear on her face and I'm pretty sure it was written all over my face too. I took a deep breath and opened the door.


The layout inside was surprisingly modern. Beige lockers lined the dull looking corridor and a few people still hadn't gotten to class yet. I slowly took in my surroundings before making a beeline for the reception, my sister close behind.

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