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I hadn't had anything to drink the previous day, so why the heck did it feel like there was a hammer repeatedly pounding at my skull?

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" Talia explained while drawing the curtains open. The combination of my sister's shrill voice and the sudden introduction of sunlight to my bedroom caused me to let out a loud groan and pull the covers over my head.

"Uh uh not so fast." My bratty sisters voice filled the room again. Before I knew it the feeling of warmth from my duvet covers was replaced by a whoosh of chilly air.

"What the hell?!" I yelled while promptly sitting upright, although immediately regretting it as jolt of pain travelled through my head. "Ow."

My sister snickered. "Wow Davina. I never would have taken you for the type to get drunk."

I gave her a look. "I didn't get drunk."

"Uh huh. Whatever you say. You're clearly hung over." She said knowingly.

"For your information sister, I did not partake of any alcoholic beverages last night." I said defensively. "Dad would kill me if I did."

"Whatever." I could tell she didn't believe me. "It's eleven o'clock. You need to get up and get ready for your day with Ethan."

How could I forget?

"Hey! How did you know about that?"

"Well." Talia cleared her throat. I rolled my eyes and sighed, preparing myself for a long speech. "As you probably don't know, due to the fact that you were practically dead, that's how deep in sleep you were, your phone was ringing non-stop for ten minutes at approximately 10:30 am. Since the annoying ringing would not stop and could be heard all the way downstairs, I took the liberty of answering your phone. Now, when I answered, a young man by the name of Ethan (I forget his surname), was on the other end of the line. He kindly explained to me that you two had made plans to work on a project today and he asked if you were around. As I am a respectable young lady who cannot lie, I proceeded to tell him that you were severely hung over after a night of wild partying and that you would contact him as soon as possible. I kindly agreed to inform you of his query, which is the reason I am before you now, recalling the previous events."

I sighed, inwardly blaming my mom for being such a devoted lawyer. Her mannerisms had rubbed off on Talia and not in a good way. Whenever she knew she did something wrong or when she was in trouble, she somehow managed to talk herself out of it, or at least talk until the person she wronged got bored and let her get away with it.

"I hope that one day you realise how annoying you are." I deadpanned. I moved to get up.

"Okay you've done what you came for now get out."

Talia gasped. "Davina! I thought you would have shown more gratitude to your dearest sister, who took time out of her day to do you a favour." She paused. "Although it was my pleasure. Ethan voice is sex." She smirked.

My eyes widened and I decided that that was the te to throw my pillow forcefully at my very inappropriate sister. "Get out!"

She giggled as she ran out of the door.

Shaking my head at Talia's antics, I searched for my phone, eventually finding it at the foot of my bed where I am assuming Talia abandoned it after getting off of the phone.

I'll be there soon

I sent the text to Ethan before getting up and going to the bathroom.


The road to Ethan's house was ridden with so many twists and turns that I got lost immediately after I got off of the main road.

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