Chapter Six

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Isaiah walks around me so that he can open the passenger door for me. He waits for me to move and when I do, his head follows my moments. I felt so... violated from his gaze but it made me hot at the same time. Like extremely hot.

I got in the car and when he shuts the door I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Get it together bitch." I tell myself. I went through my purse to make sure I had my pills and sighed in relief. I quickly gulped one down and stuffed the bottle in my purse before he got in.

His car smells like vanilla and fruit a whole 360 from his personality. When he gets in and closes the door it felt like I was being suffocated by his presence. It's too much for me.

He side eye me before starting the engine. "You straight?"

A simple question yet it has my mind going into overdrive. So I just nodded and looked out the window. He mumbles an 'okay' and pulls out the driveway. I was grateful that he didn't try to start a conversation but the silence was cutting.

"Where to first?" He asks as he uses one hand to turn the steering wheel and the other resting on the arm rest in between us. I inhaled sharply.

I eyed his tattoos for a second. I didn't see it at first but he has some on his wrist and knuckles and there were rings on three of his fingers. They were thin and silver, like his bracelets. I ran my eyes up his body shamelessly and awed at the tattoos on the side of his neck. Can he get any hotter?

"Zariah." Even the way he says my name, lord.

He snaps his finger in my face bringing me back and I gasped, wide eyed. "Sorry. I was zoned out for a bit."

His lips tilted into a smirk but he dropped it just as fast. "I bet." He says as he turns the corner, leaving my street.

"What was it that you asked?"

"Where to first?"

"Right. Um I need to go to the salon to get my nails done."

"I'm sorry?" He asked as if it was the craziest request he was given. "I'm taking you to get your nails done?"

"Yes. I can't meet my future husband with chipped nails now can I?" I said sarcastically as I show him the chipped pink polish on my nails.

He snorts with a head shake. "I guess."

"Is that weird or something?" I frowned.

"Weird? No. Unusual? Yes. I've been in this business for years and not once have I been asked to take someone to get their damn nails done." He snorted as he leaned forward to check his rear view mirror before turning onto a main road.

"I figured. You work for a man like Damon and I doubt he would ever be seen getting a manicure." I laughed lightly. I stopped when I didn't hear him laughing with me.

I turned to look at him and his lips were in a tight line and his jaw clenched. "I don't work for anybody." He snapped.

"But you're his bodyguard."

"I'm a bodyguard not his." He says, irritated. "There's a difference."

"Then why are you here to babysit me if you don't work for him?" I pressed.

"I'm not babysitting you, I'm just protecting you." He says through bared teeth as he glanced at me.

"Sounds like to me you're on a job. Which means you're working for someone and since you're here on Damon's behalf then that means you are working for him." I smiled triumphantly, knowing that I was getting on his nerves.

"We're here." He says suddenly, completely ignoring my statement. "Get out."

"You're rude."

"And you're fucking irritating." He spat right before hopping out of the car and slamming his door shut.

Must've been a touchy subject for him but who cares? If I have to suffer then so does he.

Must've been a touchy subject for him but who cares? If I have to suffer then so does he

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