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A break. It's what we all need to refresh...though sometimes it only makes things worse. Makes you more paranoid. It sure made me more paranoid.

Just like how vacations can be planned to be a nice little break from everyone and your work[school] but can go terribly wrong.

It was around 12 at midnight and I had gotten back from hanging out with my friends not too long ago. My family was arguing...the usual. I forgot what they were arguing about however.

I decided that I should get some fresh air...ya know? To get away from all of that. So I walked outside and stood out on the deck. It was cold outside but I liked it that way. Breezy wind with the full moon showin'.

I remember tears welling up in my face as I thought about my family, Slender, what I am, bullies...all that shit that makes ya wanna break down into tears...even inhuman things can cry. It was too stressful. There was a lot goin' on. I don't find it often that I get alone time so I can actually cry. Sure...no one talks to me[or even pay attention to me] but there's still people in the room and I reckon I ain't gonna cry 'round humans.

Though the familiar ringing and static met my ears snapping me out of whatever trance I was in as I remember turning my attention to across the street. Now my town is more of a religious town. You'll find churches left and right no matter if you're in the poor or rich side of the place. Heck even on graduations you have to pray and they keep mentioning God. Church bells go off a few times a day and at school people will criticize you if you're gay/lesbian/bisexual/pansexual, all that shit. It'd fucked up. And due to word being spread like wild fire there, if you come out as trans or non-binary, they purposely mis-gender you which is pretty messed up. "Freedom of religion" my ass...so when I turned my attention across the street, there was the oh so familiar church. On the side of the church was a light bulb that lightened the trees and grass that was beside it. When I continued looking over there, I noticed Slenderman standing in an open area by a tree. It's head was shaking rapidly. I thought it could've been a tree or somethin' but that's when I noticed it's tentacles. They swirled and moved around like crazy and I realized that nothin' over there could've made such a shape as it was an open area.

The more I stared at it, the more blurry my vision became. I found myself on the verge of passing out. I was bout to head inside to get away from it when I noticed two figures peeking their heads out from a behind a tree that was close but not too close to Slender. One figure I couldn't see that well and the other honestly kind of looked like Ticci Toby. He made a hand gesture to come closer, I however stayed in the same area I was in. Like hell I was goin' over there. I remember seeing another person walk up next to Slenderman and standing beside him. Perhaps another proxy.

I decided to wipe my tears away and walk back inside, I was still a little tense from what I just saw. No matter how many times I see it, it still drives me insane because it always comes at the wrong moments.

Now there may be many reasons why it could be after you, I'm only going to list some that may help:
▪︎You saw something you shouldn't have
▪︎To make you a proxy
▪︎To kill you[the reasons are endless on why it may be wanting to, for this one at least, since it's not as specific.]
▪︎you're a researcher[an investigator]

"How are ya'? Feelin' good? Feelin' sassy?"

The Saw is Family

I would love to write more but I'm unfortunately too tired to do so, I hope you all have a lovely day or night, depending on where ya live and I bid you all farewell. This is TheEye13 signing off for this entry.

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