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Heh...it's funny how you make memories only for them to strip away. It's funny how those you love disappear like a disease. Why...did it do that? Why...just why? You grasp for more answers but it risks one's mental stability. That's life I suppose....fuck...I apologize...excuse my language. It's just...I'm so lost....I've mentioned it before...but...I still remember it. No matter how hard I ignore it, the memory returns. There was nothing I could do, but yet I still feel guilty. I knew it wasn't me, but she didn't. She left being confused on why "I" did it. Why "I" hurt her. Like seriously...why did it get my cat involved? What did my cat ever do to it? I never really wanted to write this entry, but it's necessary to get emotions out, even if those won't understand. Especially when the memory of someone tearing at something you love, like it's a feast. A feast of mayhem...a feast of Habit.

Why am I just gaining these memories of what it did? Is something wrong? Perhaps...but I'll never know as I'm still searching for answers. Answers that'll risk my life my life one day. How upsetting...regardless I won't win. Either tall faceless guy will win or that purple asshole. Who knows...well one will in the nick of time. When you feel numb, then it's tough to care. It would be nice to go back where things were fine. I've made it far...just how much further can we make it? Do I wish to know? Probably not...not everything is worth the risk.

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