As mentioned before, December is usually a calm month. Not this time. Definitely not this time. Not for me, and it doesn't seem to be for others either, unfortunately. In this entry, I'll be explaining things that I don't know if I've explained before or not in past entries. I'm not sure if Habit will get pissed or not with me, I don't think it knows my account...hopefully not. Now before I start, I don't know if any of this is true or if Habit and the others are talking bull- nonsense, I'm simply only explaining what I know. I mean this whole book is about honesty and just my point or view on things. If it wasn't then I would be disappointed with myself. personal experiences, not yet at least. Though....the bad feeling is still here today. In fact, my body has been feeling really weird today. I don't know if I'm being paranoid or not, but has been weird, my hands are ghostly cold while the rest of my body is like really hot[the house is at room temperature], heart beat randomly starts beating really fast for no reason even know I'm literally just relaxing, my mind feels foggy and different, there's also weird sensations running through my body...I don't know...I'm probably just imagining things. Other than that, my day has been...normal in a sense. Habit has left me alone for a long time. I enjoy this peace and quiet a lot. Though...I am pretty lonely since my friends won't talk to me so uh...boredom comes with a price. A price of revealing info, I don't think it's that important
though so it'll be fine...maybe...Habit should of chosen a different person to work on its side, cause I'm not the right person. Not only do I get lonely a lot, but I'm annoying when I'm lonely.Well! Let's get into it then. First off, I recall talking to Habit with my friends through the static method. I was kind of out of it, ya know, not listening cause I don't really care, but then Habit mentioned something bout a "big plan." Apparently it involves Pat and I[I'm not sure why it doesn't involve any other alters], and the plan can take up to months to even years to be set into motion. It won't tell me anything else about the plan unfortunately. And now my wrist is starting to randomly hurt, it's almost hard to type :(. I'm still gonna continue even if it's a struggle to do so. The plan seems to be a big deal with Habit so obviously it's important. Maybe...sometimes Habit's ideas are...stupid. No offense Habit. Actually yes offense. You can suck it up like the childish non-mature being you are. I'm joking...perhaps...who knows, maybe I'm not. We'll never know.
Moving on to another topic, I found out recently that The Collective is also planning something. I have NO INFORMATION about this though. I'll look into it later. It's like a struggle to write this entry I don't know why-. I mean, I want to write but every time I try to type, everything starts to burn and hurt, especially my head and wrists.
I've also had some pretty fucked up dreams lately, I don't remember exactly what they were, all I know is that they were weird and fucked up. One thing that pops into my mind when I try to remember it, is guts. Slender...and Habit, I don't know.
Another unimportant question, does anyone know why Slender and The Collective are bothering so many people this month? It's unlike them. Usually they never show up during this month.
Well...I'd continue writing but my wrists feel like they're gonna fall off so uh bye for now :).
[UPDATE: I just heard someone scream like they were getting murdered outside my home-
Also quick one here has contact with Habit somehow right...? I don't think Habit would care about any of this...but still...I just wanna make sure...]
[ANOTHER UPDATE: It's probably a good thing that Habit's been ignoring me lately, both in person and text ^^. Or is it a bad thing....does it know? Nah. It doesn't. It would've said something. My paranoid ass needs to get some sleep °^°].
Slenderverse[creepypasta] Encounters and Research
ParanormalA book that consists of both my past and present encounters with both Slenderverse and Creepypasta entities. If you choose to read this then I'm sure you know what to expect, once you get into this mess, you cannot get out which is the unfortunate p...