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This entry is a summary of what happened after our first encounter with Habit. This entry will also consist of multiple situations that may have been mentioned in entry #8, just this time it's more specific. Habit has bothered us so much that I want to conclude our past experiences with it as fast as possible and in as little entries as possible because I know it'll appear again. Surprisenly it has not appeared for a few weeks to A, J, nor I which makes me belive that it's up to something. You never know I suppose till t's too late. I'll take this moment though and cherish it. I haven't seen Habit in a few weeks and it's more of a pain than Slenderman itself is.

I would like to begin on the possession side of this whole ordeal. It's the easiest to explain and I covered some of it already in entry #8. So yes...this entry will consist of the possession situations mainly.

The possession stuff all started to develop when I decided to summon Habit. Stupid I know...but my friends...I needed to communicate with it, and the static method was not something I could do at the moment due to me having no internet. I made sure to grab the stuff I needed along with finding a good place to do it. Outside. I chose outside. I'm sure I probably looked weird to other people passing by in the position I soon got into. Habit deems it as "statue of liberty playing football." And yes...it means American Football to make things clear.

I put the stuff on, which included a traditional outfit or one that looks similar to it. I picked an outfit similar to what Evan wore in The Summoning and made sure to get into the exact position we saw Evan get into. Now...Habit can really make a mark whenever it wants to...though it made Evan stand there for an hour and 7 minutes before it later possessed him. Mainly because the book says to stand that long in order for it to work but Habit makes it clear that it can appear whenever. It just gets a kick out of seeing both humans and entities stand in the same position for like an hour and 7 minutes.

Regardless, I still decided to do it as it would be nice practice to stay still with how shaky I usually am. As the minutes passed and I eventually finished, I was on the verge of exhaustion. As keeping my arm and leg up for that long was tiresome. I went inside and I decided to rest. After a few minutes I had recovered and my body was no longer sore. Though....that's what I thought anyway. After an hour or so, I had begun to feel weird. I remember everything starting to look blurry and there being blotches of purple in my vision. I remember...feeling really sick at the moment and I thought it was just a side effect from standing in that position for so long.

After that...I cannot really remember what happened that day. It's a blur. The last thing I remember is feeling Habit's presence and then yeah...I'm not sure what went down.

After this incident, I recall hearing Habit speak to me a lot. Like hearing it's voice. Sounds crazy I know...but whenever I do have these conversations with it and tell no one bout them, Habit mentions stuff it mentions to me when my friends and I do the static method. It even eventually started bothering J with talking to it sometimes.

Now with it talking to me a lot...that also resulted in it following me around quite a bit. In which knowing how Habit is, I made sure to be careful with what I do. I could occasionally feel someone trip me when I'm walking and the feeling of someone poking me while I'm trying to paperwork. Just stuff like that I guess. It's just trying to make me mad.

Though...there was a time when I had formed a plan to get away from it. A plan so I wouldn't have to stay joined with it like Vinnie and my friends wouldn't get hurt. It didn't take this plan too kindly and I do indeed recall getting choked. The feeling of air leaving my lungs.

Now...since this whole entry is about the possession ordeal, lets move on to story #2, yeah? Alright so, my friends had brought up the bright idea of Summoning Habit. Obviously I was a little weary as Summoning Habit had great costs but I already tried so why not again? My friend J had decided that he can do it so we got all the stuff ready.

After a while, we had finished and J was feeling really sick and wanted to go to bed. We went upstairs and I got settled in on the couch while J sat on the chair. A went to go to their room I belive. J eventually went to sleep but I found myself still wide awake staring at the ceiling and contemplating things.

As the minutes stirred into hours, I noticed that J had started to move a bit so I assumed he was waking up. I was right. His eyes met mine and I saw a large grin appear on his face...he never grins like that. It was like a mischievous grin, one held with malicious intent. He just stared at me, I waved at him. Perhaps he was still half way sleeping. That's what I thought at first. But his eyes were wide open and surprisenly seemed way more alive then a person just waking up should've been. I think he waved back in a slow manner and eventually layed his head back down and went to sleep. I'm only going to assume it was Habit as J never recalled that happening.

A long while these two events, I had found myself having situations where I would feel Habit's presence and everything would just go dark and blank. I know I didn't black out because of Patrick as Habit is like right there, making it obvious it was it. It would even text J off of my phone which was really hard to explain at first. Seeing those texts both scared and amused me.

Another time, which we'll deem as part #3 for the possession ordeal, was when J, A, another friend, and I had decided to go on a walk late at night. Well...sort of...we mainly decided to hang around the block and dare each other to lick the concrete ground.

We all decided to walk down the road and as we went straight, J and I noticed something. Well I noticed one thing and J noticed another. Not too far from us was a silhouette of what appeared to have been a man. They just kept walking back and forth on the road. Side to side. Eventually the man had paused while standing in the middle of the road and looked in our direction. They started making our way to us. However...their movement was off...remember those zombie movies and how the zombies walk strange and inhuman? Yeah...he was walking like that towards us. We had quickly gotten away from there and went back to the house.

After a bit I decided to go back and J followed me. Surprisenly enough, the man was still there around the same area he was on the road. I was curious as to who this guy was but then the position he was in gave it away to me immediately. He had one leg on the curb of the sidewalk and was in the same position Habit was in while possessing Evan on the stairs. I belive it was in the episode "MOVING IN." Habit seemed to have been possessing someone.

As I stared, J had pointed something out that I hadn't noticed before. There was figure by a tree near Habit. It was Slenderman. Static. It filled my ears again, at least I think it did. J and I made our retreat back to the others after that realization.

They decided to go inside while I decided to stay outside. It was relaxing to get a break from things. Though...that didn't last long...as I recall hearing a growl and loud teeth snap. It came from the same direction from where Habit was and I even felt it's presence as I finally focused on it. It sounded exactly like Habit. Everything started to feel weird again but I do recall eventually doing inside.

This situation was not possession related but still involved Habit. J, A, and I had to go out into the country to help some people out with some work and when we finished we decided to venture out into the wood-like areas. We managed to find these woods that we kept finding bones in. There were lots of bones and even arrows if I recall correctly. At the end of the woods was a barbwired fence and two abandoned buildings on the other side. For moment...I could've sworn I saw someone walk past one of the windows.

We made our way out of the woods and into a new territory. It was an area that was filled with grassy areas that stretched into miles and far away from us was another set of woods. I remember seeing a set of people I'm the distance walk into those woods. One of those people was wearing a white hoodie...how strange. We decided to make our over there which took a long time. I don't think we found anything while in those woods.

Though...when we got back to town and brought up the idea of talking to Habit again over the static. Turns out...the woods with all those bones was Habit's territory. Which didn't surprise me one bit.

I do belive that I have covered a lot in both entry #8 and entry #10 about Habit and the situation with it. I may have missed quite a bit but I really don't feel like writing more and I feel like this should be enough for now. Have a good day rabbits.

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