Chapter seven

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I couldn't give up. I really wanted to get back home, to my parents to my friends. So the next day, when the clock turned six, I got up from the bed, gently getting out of Sirius's arms and going downstairs where Mrs. Potter was preparing the breakfast.

"good morning sweetheart." She said softly with a smile.

"good morning to you!" I said cheerfully, trying to make them believe that I was acting completely normal and that I'm not planning to get back to my own world. "I'm going to library again, don't worry again for me."

She gave me a chuckle and answered: "just come back soon and be careful."

"of course!" I lied again. I wasn't going to get back there. I was going home!

The cold morning breeze moved the leaves away from my path as I kept walking to the library, a big wide smile was formed on my lips, the idea of getting back to my parents as they greet me with a big family hug and cried in happiness that I was back home safe; probably we would go to the church and the Father would greet me with a pray so I won't get lost again. I could just imagine it and smile wider. Oh how much I wanted to see my real face, to remember how did I look like. But right now I was only that light brown haired boy with brown eyes and with this kind of clothes which is only found in 70s century; how did my own clothes looked like?! I didn't need to be worried, I would find out as soon as I find the right novel.

I entered the library, the smell of papers had filled the room as I walked toward the shelves, searching for the novel I wanted. There were a lot of books, in any kind of color or any size; my eyes scanning each title for the exact novel. I was getting frustrated, why I couldn't find anything helpful?! There was nothing that could help me!!! some books were so much old, for like 40s or 50s and some were new, I mean new it means 70s not in my actual time line.

After a few minutes I gave up, sitting down on the floor, my back to the shelf as I hugged my knees. This was just the stupidest thing I've ever done! How could I be so dumb? I'm in years before I was even born. And now I was searching for the book in MY time line in like 50 years before it was even happened?! WAS I DUMB?!


"rise and shine...!" he started to poke on his cheek, smiling gently. The relationship between Regulus and James was always like the ones any girl wanted to have; a very lovely love, full of nice words, cuddles, kisses and activities which I won't talk about now.

James opened his eyes slowly, giving his boyfriend his first smile in the day. "how early..." he said, half asleep. Regulus giggled and poked on James's cheek again. "wake up sleephead!"

"you're so lovely today," James started to flirt while pulling Reggie on himself so Regulus was laying on his chest. "cute and cuddly." Regulus smiled sheepishly in respond.

"your mum is awake." Regulus said.

"hmm." James hummed. "I had a very... VERY beautiful dream,"

"you did?"

"yeah. You were there too, with me." James started to caress Regulus's hair while talking. "there was a little trouble-maker there too... running from place to place, not stopping for a second." He whispered his last words.

"trouble-maker?!" Regulus asked, raising a brow.

"yeah... a tiny little man." James smiled, thinking about his dream.

"you mean a kid?" Regulus chuckled as James nodded in respond.

"come on! You can!" James looked at Regulus directly, preparing himself to defend his dream life.

"so you call me a girl now?!" Regulus was raising his voice.

"no! but you're trans! Your body is a girl." And with that, Regulus looked like someone just slapped his face, he looked hurt.

"I thought you're on my side." Regulus swallowed back his sob while talking. "but you call me a girl too!"

"I'm not like others... just use this opportunity!"

"I'm a boy, Potter!" Regulus snapped.

"so?! Nothing will change that. You can still get pregnant. We can have a child." James said softly, holding his beloved one in his arms gently.

"it's scary..." he muttered back.

"I'll help you out. Hmm? Just the two of us." James said and kissed his forehead.

"just the two of us?"

"we can make it if we try!"

Regulus chuckled and played along. "just the two of us."

"you and I." James whispered and started to kiss his neck, putting some hickeys on his white skin while Regulus moaned in pleasure.

Suddenly the door slapped open.

"JESUS!" Regulus screamed. "what the hell, Sirius!?"

"James Fleamont Potter! I thought I told you not to touch my baby brother!" Sirius said dramatically; he was still in his pajamas.

James rolled his eyes. "come on, man! I promised I won't break Reggie's heart, never! I promised! You don't even trust me?!"

"how can I trust you when you start putting love bites on his neck! Reggie is still a kid!" Sirius snapped back.

"I'm NOT. I'm 24 already!" Regulus said back.

"can you boys stop arguing and come down for breakfast?!" they heard Mrs. Potter shout from downstairs and groaned.

"COMING!!!" they said.

While eating their breakfast, Sirius was quiet, thinking about Remus.

"where did he go?" he asked and took a sip of his hot coffee.

"library again." Mrs. Potter answered.

It was enough for him. Sirius knew there is something wrong with his moon.


It was nowhere. I was turning nuts!!! I gave up finally and sat down on the floor, I could start crying but exactly in that moment, I saw Sirius running toward me, angry, disappointed.

"hey...!" Sirius approached, trying to keep his anger in check.

"hi!" I answered back, smiling; even though I was about to cry a few moments ago.

"you... still think that here is not your world?" I froze with his question. He was right though. I still thought that way. "no one can go inside a story."

"but just... listen! I am not from here. I am not Remus Charles Kings! I'm Remus but not Kings. Look... I fell in this story. I know it sounds stupid but I traveled in past with this history novel. Please believe me." I was shaking, afraid of his reaction.

"it's stupid! That was just a novel. 'The Black' is just a normal novel." Sirius said casually.

"wait. What did you say? How do know that novel? I didn't tell you the name of it."

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