Chapter eight

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At that moment, I knew that Sirius is someone like me, fallen inside a story.

Sirius stared at me for a few seconds, shocked by what he just said and what did I said in respond; suddenly the whole library fell silent, as if it wasn't silent before.

"gentlemen, please quiet!" I heard a girl who was standing nearby, holding a book.

Sirius rolled his eyes and turned toward me. "it's not what you think...!" he said.

"so explain!" I looked at his gray eyes while talking. "you fell in this story too. Right? So why do you say it's not possible?!"

"it's complicated!"

"tell me then!"

Sirius sighed then pulled me to a quieter place in the library. "I travelled in past with this novel. Correct. But that's complicated!"

"so why did you lie to me!?" I really wanted to yell these words in his face but, here is library.

"your time is dangerous! So dangerous I mean." He tried to explain.

"do I look like someone who cares?!"

He groans. "come on! Just understand!"

"make me to! I dunno what you're talking about!"

"your time! Isn't it 2021?"


"in that time, there is a new virus named Corona. Okay?"



It was so familiar for me. like I've heard about it before. Corona virus... wait! I do remember this!!! 'please stay in your houses and make sure you do your work with the protocols.' This was... a woman, telling this to us, to my family from the... the tv! I REMEMBERED!

"my name is not Remus Charles Kings. I'm Remus John Lupin!" I started to mutter, without myself knowing.

"yeah. You're Lupin." Sirius mumbled after me.

"you KNOW me?!"

"I just wanted to protect you!"

"SHUT. UP!" I yelled.

"QUIET!!!" the girl yelled back. Ugh...

We continued our conversation out, walking slowly in the town.

"you should have told me!" I started.

"I couldn't. I just wanted to protect you from this whole killer virus and stuff!"

"it's really not a good excuse, you know that?!" I looked at him, deadpan. "how do you even know me?" I asked, after a few seconds silence.

"figure that out yourself."

I rolled my eyes. "I wanna go back home. no matter what. You have a novel or something?"


"you're lying right?"

"no!" he glared.

"yeah you are!"

"I said I don't!"

But how was that even possible?! "then how did you travelled here?"

He paused before answering. "... with friends."

"freinds? Who?"

"it doesn't matter anymore."

I huffed. "I should get back home, Black!"

He looked at me in disbelief. "so I'm 'Black' from now on!?"

"don't be dramatic!" I said, annoyed. "my parents are now worried about me."

"they're not."

"how do YOU know?"

"I know how this book machine works. Now there is someone, a copy of Remus Lupin in your house, with your personality, living with your parents." He explained as my mouth fell open. "now, you are Remus Kings and he is Remus Lupin, in two different times. You understand? Just your names are accidentally the same."

There was another me? in my house? With MY family? Living? How was that possible? I wanted to argue back but I thought that Sirius is more expert so I should trust him. For now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29 ⏰

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