Kevin gently lifted Kyle into his arms as they entered the flower shop. "Baby, do you want to buy roses or lilies for Mama?" he asked, his voice tender.
"Lilies, Papa. We got roses last time," Kyle replied decisively, pointing to a small bouquet of lilies.
Kevin smiled warmly at his son's choice and approached the cashier, a middle-aged woman who owned the flower shop. "Lilies, such an innocent and pure flower, isn't it?" Kevin remarked softly as he paid for the flowers.
The woman nodded, a kind smile gracing her features. "Indeed, young man. Just like your son here."
"You must be lucky to have such a beautiful son. He must have gotten his charm from his parents," the woman continued, her eyes twinkling with admiration. She glanced at Kyle and then at Kevin, unaware of the painful reality.
"Indeed, I hope she's seeing how fast our baby is growing up from heaven," Kevin replied, his voice tinged with sadness. The woman paused, her hand flying to her mouth as realization dawned.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know," she murmured, placing a comforting hand on Kevin's shoulder. Kevin managed a small smile, grateful for her empathy.
"Thank you," he said softly before leaving the shop, Kyle safely back on his feet. As they made their way to the graveyard, Kevin felt a pang of sadness mingled with gratitude for the understanding shown by the flower shop owner.
At Alin's grave, Kyle greeted his mother cheerfully. "Hello, Mama!" he chirped, his small voice carrying through the quiet cemetery.
"Hey, Alin," Kevin greeted softly, nodding at his son to go ahead. Kyle carefully placed the lilies they had bought on Alin's grave, his expression earnest and innocent.
"Baby, talk to Mama first. Papa will quickly go and throw these away, okay?" Kevin instructed gently. Kyle nodded and began speaking to his mother as Kevin walked away to dispose of the withered roses from their last visit.
"Mama, I start school on Monday. I'm going to make lots of friends so Papa doesn't need to worry about me. Papa cried last night, Mama. I asked you to take away all his worries so he doesn't cry anymore and can always be happy," Kyle's voice was filled with determination beyond his age.
Kevin listened from a distance, overwhelmed by the maturity and compassion his son displayed. Kyle's words pierced Kevin's heart, reminding him of the heavy burden he carried alone—the struggle to provide and protect for his son, to shield him from the harsh realities of the world
Kevin first dropped Kyle to the car before going back inside and knelt down in front of Alin's grave his emotions finally breaking free. "I'm sorry, Alin," he whispered brokenly. "I'm trying my best to find a better job, to support Kyle better, but it's not working. The project I poured my heart into, someone else took credit for it. The promotion I needed to pay for Kyle's school... it slipped away."
Tears streamed down Kevin's face as he poured out his frustrations and fears to Alin. "I promised Kyle I'd buy him toys next time we went shopping. I don't want him to think I don't want to buy toys for him," he confessed, his voice cracking with sorrow.
Kevin took a deep breath, seeking solace in the memories of sharing his vulnerabilities with Alin. He bowed his head in prayer, silently asking for guidance and strength. "I'll see you next time," he whispered, wiping his tears away before returning to his waiting son.—