Chapter 2

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MARCH 16th 2024

Jenna found a parking spot and sat in her car while thinking about Arias. She hated how he took over her mind. She had finally moved on from him, and he showed up as soon as she started dating. She sighed and got out of the car. She started walking towards the lobby. "you look so beautiful when you are stressed, darling." she stopped dead in her tracks at the sound of his voice ringing through her ears

she never turned around, but she could feel his body heat behind her, or she thought it was him till she turned around and nobody was there. She looked around for him but couldn't see him. She chuckled to herself, "You're going crazy thinking about him." she turned around and walked into the lobby

just as she did that, Arias appeared from behind a wall; he wanted to hug her but saw how stressed she was all because of him "I will get you back, Babygirl, I promise you," he said, looking at her walk inside the elevator. "Boss trouble at the warehouse," his driver said. Arias rolled his eyes and got into the car. They drove off

Jenna finally made it to her apartment and opened the door. She was greeted with the sadness of quietness at the door. It made her feel so alone and sad. She hated it so much, especially on nights like this. She went into her room, took off her makeup, and dressed. She got into a comfortable, long T-shirt with shorts on.

She put her hair into a cute messy bun once she felt comfortable; she walked out to the living room, sat down, and turned the TV on to distract her from Arias's thoughts, which didn't work. She couldn't stop thinking about him. She smiled a little, knowing he had done the one thing he had always dreamed about.

Arias has always talked about getting out on the streets and opening a restaurant. He would tell her all about the details about the place and how it would look. Being able to see that tonight, how he actually did it and made it look the same, was a proud moment for her.

She wished she could congratulate him, but she knew it was for the best that they didn't see each other. Something deep inside of her couldn't believe that a part of her wanted to see him again. She missed him. She missed lying in his arms. She missed his eyes, which she got lost in for hours. She missed his smile. She missed the way he would call her cute names.

she missed his body on hers, the warmth of being there; she missed everything about him she knew she shouldn't, but he was her first love. She never actually stopped loving. She just found a way to repress her feelings

she sighed before looking at the time. It read 1:36. She rolled her eyes and knew she couldn't sleep. She went to the closet in the hallway, pulled out a blanket and pillow, and walked out of her apartment. She walked to the stairs to the rooftop, but what she didn't notice was a confused Arias watching her

He had just gotten back when he heard the door next door open, and he was surprised to see she was his neighbor. He looked at his watch, wondering why she was up. He could tell she was tired. He followed her up to the rooftop

just as he walked in, he saw her lying on a chair, looking up at the sky, leaning against the wall, and watching her. "Arias, I still love you, and I'm proud of you," he heard her say, looking up at the sky; he chuckled to himself. She had always done that. Whenever she felt overwhelmed or overthought, she would come outside and look up at the sky and say what she had been thinking.

"Arias, I wish you would have chosen us instead of the streets," she said in a low, sleepy voice; he watched her close her eyes and fall into a deep sleep. He walked over to her and pulled the blanket over her a little more. "If you only knew I would choose you in a heartbeat," he said, looking at her. He kissed her on the forehead. He lay next to her on the couch across from her, just looking at her. "I messed up, but I promise I will win you back," he said again. As the night went out, Arias didn't sleep; he stayed up till the sunrise.

Jenna started waking up and looked at the sun in front of her. She smiled to herself she turned and noticed a tray of her favorite breakfast with a flower and note she picked the note up and opened it "Hope you have a good day today darling" even though the note wasn't signed she knew who it was and smiled she looked around to see if he was nearby. Still, he was nowhere to be seen, so she picked up the tray of food and her stuff and walked to the stairs.

She made it to her floor and saw more movers. She saw a tall guy talking to someone. She assumed it was her new neighbor, but something about him made her think she knew him from the back. He looked familiar, but she didn't wait for him to turn around. She opened her door, and something ran out to her. She started screaming and backing into the hallway. Everyone looked at her, confused. She started laughing when she noticed it was a small dog

"Sorry, my bad, I'm fine," she said to the guys in the hallway. She picked the dog up and went inside before she embarrassed herself more. Arias's back was turned to her, but he knew the screaming and laughter were because of the gift he had left her; he remembered she wanted a cute small dog, so he had his right-hand man get him.

"Guess you have a crazy neighbor. She's cute, though," the mover said. Arias gave him a look that told him to shut the fuck up. "My bad, I didn't know she was yours," the guy said with his hands in the air. He walked away before he got himself killed by Arias.

"Where did you come from, little one?" she said to the puppy as she walked into her living room and saw a note; she rolled her eyes. She knew it was him but didn't mind. She wanted a puppy but never got around to getting one. she opened the note. "I hope you love her just as much we loved each other." she sighed at the loved part. If only he knew she still loved him so much

"What should we call you?" she said, looking at her puppy for a while before coming up with the name Nova. "We are going to call you Nova," she said. She looked at the time "shit, I'm going to be late," she said, getting up and getting changed into her work outfit. She finished with her hair and makeup

she grabbed her purse and puppy. She knew she could leave her home by herself. She took her with her, put her shoes on, and walked out the door she was locking up when she turned and walked down the hallway. As she was looking at her dog, she glanced up and met with Arias's eyes. "Lo, you hear me?" a woman said, putting her hands in his face. Jenna's face got heated. She hated it just as much as Arias hated people putting their hands in his face

he noticed her angry expression and softened his expression. "Krystal, don't put your hands in my face," he said softly before pushing her back. Jenna was halfway down the hallway. She could not hear or see them. She felt a little sadness, but she could understand why.

she knew it was for the best that Arias moved on, and maybe she needed to see that to help her move on as well; who was she kidding? She couldn't move on because Arias filled up all her thoughts; he was the only man she truly loved.

she got into her car and drove off to work she was only 2 minutes late today "Hey sorry I'm late I had Suprise waiting for me" she said holding up her new puppy to show her boss "she is so cute when did you get her" she said taking the dog from Jenna "This morning she was delivered this morning" Jenna said lying she didn't need anybody to know her ex broke into her apartment and left the dog "she cute but you know she can't come here every day" her boss said handing the dog back to her

"I know I'm looking for dog care place" she said sighing "alright good meeting in 15 the client is a little late" she said walking towards the door "client is here" a inter said Jenna got up and handed her puppy to her assistant "watch her till I come back" she walked out the room and into the meeting room the client wasn't into the room yet she took a seat next to her boss As she waited on the client



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