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Arias walked into his parents. "Is that my Arias?" His mother said, coming from the kitchen, "It is my handsome son, hi baby, how are you?" She said, giving him a big hug. Arias adored his mother. She was a kindhearted woman. She always had a smile on her face, no matter the day. You could always see her smile from a mile away. "I'm good, ma. Where is Dad?" He asked, looking around the living room "he left for the pool house," she said, walking to the kitchen. He followed behind
The pool house was coded for the warehouse. His mother knew all too well about the family business to the point she was involved. At one point, she helped his father with everything. She never complained. She did the work. "How Jenna?" She asked, looking at him. "Your brother and sister told me about running into her when they were helping you move in," she said, letting him know how she knew about Jenna being back
his mother loved Jenna like she was her daughter. She was hurt by Jenna leaving Arias when he was locked up, but she understood why Jenna had always been an innocent soul. She didn't want Arias in that lifestyle and stood by him as long as she could. "She good," he said, keeping it simple. He didn't want to tell his mother too much because he didn't know if he could win her back, but he was going to try
"She will come around," she said, winking at him. He gave a look that she knew all too well. "Baby, you can't lie to me. I know you haven't spoken to her, but she will. Jenna has always cared about you and loved you. She stood by you for years," his mother spoke. "Jenna might have left, but she had her reason to. Now it's up to you to show her that you've changed, baby," His mother said, looking at him.
"When I first met your father, he did the same bullshit to me, and I remember breaking up with him for that exact reason," she said, chuckling. "Your father had just gotten locked up, and I remember being fed up with him, and I walked away from him," she said, sighing.
"I couldn't stop thinking about your father for that whole year. Everything around me reminded me of him to the point that I didn't date anybody for that year," she said, looking at Arias. One day, your dad showed up at my school, and one look at him brought back all those memories. I remember crying and running to him." She smiled at that part, making Arias smile.
"Jenna doesn't hate you. She loves you still," she said, reassuring him. "Your sister told her she had just gone on her first date in 4 years." Arias was taken aback by what his mother said, "First date?" He said, questioning it. "Yeah, your sister said your cousin Matt was talking about it and how his girlfriend was happy she was finally getting out there after four years," she said, placing the pan in the oven
"Arias, she loves you. She hasn't dated anybody for four years; she is waiting for you to change," she said, looking at her son. He understood what his mother was saying. He needed to show Jenna he had changed. He couldn't lose her again his life. He had been so lonely and empty without her in it. She filled a void that nobody else could. He knew he needed her back in his life.
"You're right, ma. I'll figure something out. Thanks," he said, rising and kissing his mother's cheek. "Good, because I miss my daughter," she said, her eyes sparkling with affection as she looked at him. He cherished the bond his mother shared with Jenna. It meant the world to him that the two most important women in his life got along so well.
"I'm home!" His father yelled, coming into the house. His mother rolled his eyes. "he always got to be the loudest in the house," she said, finishing the salad. "are you staying for dinner? I would love for my firstborn to stay," his mother asked. Just as he was about to respond, his father walked into the kitchen with Daisy and her father; he rolled his eyes and looked at his mother
"I would love to, ma, but I have to return to LA," he said, a smile playing on his lips. She understood his reasons. "You're leaving so soon? We just got here," Daisy said, trying to get closer to Arias. His mother intervened, removing Daisy's hands. "He's taken," she said firmly. Arias hugged his mother, bid his father and Jim goodbye, and walked past Daisy, heading to the airport.
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Jenna was packing up her clothes when her phone went off; she picked it up and said, "Hello," she said, folding her clothes. "I won't marry you off; just don't ever come back home again!" Her mother said that before hanging up, Jenna looked at her phone weirdly. "What?" She said out loud. Just then, someone knocked on her door. She got up
She looked through the peephole and saw her leasing manager. She opened the door. "Hi, Ms. Martinez, what can I do for you?" She asked, confused about why she was there. "We can no longer allow you to leave your lease early. The owner of the building is not willing to take that loss," she said. Jenna was confused, but she understood. "Is there any way I can talk to the owner?" She said she didn't want to move, but her parents were crazy, and she didn't want to take a chance
"I'm sorry, but no, he has already left the country and made up his mind. I'm sorry," Ms. Martinez explained to Jenna. She looked sorry for her. Jenna didn't argue anymore. "Okay, thank You, though," she said before closing her door. Jenna picked up her phone and called Kayla. "Hello," she answered on the second ring. "I can't move. The building owner won't let me out of my lease, and then on top of that, my mother called saying she is not marrying me off?" She spoke
"She told me never to return home," Jenna said. "Isn't that a good thing though? You don't have to move now," Kayla spoke, sounding confused. "I mean, yeah, but something isn't sitting right with me about it." Jenna was happy that she didn't have to move, but it was weird to her that everything was going back to normal
"Don't think too much about it; just let it be," Kayla told Jenna. I'll try not to, but I'm going to go back to unpacking now," she said, sighing, looking at all the boxes and suitcases she was going to have to unpack. All alright, I love you. I will talk to you later," Kayla said. They hung up, and Jenna went back to unpacking.
Jenna started taking things out of the box. She stopped when she noticed a photobook. She pulled it out. "Our story," Jenna read. She smiled a little to herself. She opened the book. "¿Mi mundo? Tú eres mi mundo. ¿Mi gente? Tú eres mi gente. Para mí, el exilio y la muerte están donde tú no estás. Y... ¿Mi vida? Dime, mi vida, ¿Qué es, si no eres tú?" Jenna wiped a tear away reading the poem Arias wrote in the book "Stop Crying Mi Mundo." she chuckled to herself.
Reading that Arias knew how big of a crybaby she was, he knew she would cry. Reading the poem after four years still made her cry. She opened more of the book, "The First Day We Met." it was a picture of him, his friends, and her sister. She remembers that day like it was yesterday. She was so shy and didn't know what to say or do
at some point in the night, her sister left with one of his friends, and the rest went off to do something, leaving the two of them alone. Arias tried to talk to Jenna but was so shy she couldn't. Arias didn't mean he found it cute, which attracted him more to her.
She looked at the picture for a little while longer before she yawned. She looked over at the time. "1:23 am," the clock read. She closed the book and put it back under her bed. She got into her bed and fell into a deep sleep.