Some Assemblies Required

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The Board of Education was at their wits end. They'd tried everything they could think of to solve the discipline problems in their state's high school system.

"Why don't we try something... different?" One member suggested during a meeting. "Something to shock the students into shaping up."

"What did you have in mind?" Another member asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Well, I've been reading about these things called 'brown showers' or something," the first member replied, looking a bit embarrassed as he explained himself. "Apparently, they found a way to sterilize poop so that it doesn't carry diseases anymore. So, instead of the normal detention, why don't we give the students a brown shower instead?"

"Interesting," another board member murmured thoughtfully. "So, we'd put a brown shower in the detention room, and any student caught misbehaving would be forced to get covered in brown stuff. Is that it?"

"Even better," the first member smiled mischievously. "Why not have the stuff come out of the ceiling and cover them right there, in front of the entire class?"

"Hahahaha," a third member laughed aloud, slapping his hand on the table. "I like the way you think! Let's do it."

* * *

In the following weeks, before school started, a large plastic chute was installed right above the desk of every student, in every classroom at Swellville High. 

The teachers were all told what was coming and told to cooperate with the new policy—not surprisingly, most of them seemed quite excited by the idea of anything to keep the students in line.

Then, on the first day of class, Principal Miller stood before the student body during the big back-to-school assembly and made a speech announcing the new disciplinary measure.

"I'd like to welcome everyone back," Principal Miller began. "Before we begin, I'd like to tell you about a new disciplinary measure that has been put into place here. If you misbehave, forget your homework or are late to class, you'll get a special type of shower. It's called a 'brown shower.' You'll smell bad for a while and look ridiculous, but hopefully it will make an impression and you won't want to repeat the behavior."

As he spoke, the students in the audience began whispering and murmuring amongst themselves, curious about what this meant. Some were nervous, but most seemed intrigued and excited.

Principal Miller continued speaking, his voice booming over the microphone.

"And just so you know, there is a new rule. If you say the words 'I don't know' or anything similar in class, you get a brown shower. Also, if you say 'shut up' or use any profanity, you get a brown shower. It's always listening. So, please watch your language at all times while in the classroom, and you'll stay clean all year."

Right after he said this, a girl crept through the back doors of the auditorium so quietly that no one noticed her as she sat down next to a friend. Her name was Samantha, but everybody called her Sam.

She was tall, slender and pretty with shoulder-length coal black hair, which she wore in a messy bun with strands falling out here and there. Her skin was soft and smooth, like silk—but her most outstanding feature was a butt that could cause car accidents.

Sam was popular among the boys, especially since her breasts developed early. She used her feminine wiles to manipulate the both the teachers and her male classmates to get away with things other girls couldn't.

She always dressed stylishly, too.

Today, Sam wore a pair of designer jeans, a tight white tank top and red Chuck Taylor All Star Converses. She had just arrived late after spending a little too much time flirting with some college guy she'd just started chatting with online.

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