Chapter 5

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\skip. To graduation/
"Bao Amherst." said the announcer.
I proudly walked up there and took my diploma.
"Colby Brock."
He skipped up there and accepted his diploma then jumped rite of the stage.

\ that night/
Tonight is a big party for all of us graduates. me and Colby have gotten an apartment downtown so I won't run into my father.
Colby has been great. I really do love him.

"Bao, you ready yet." Colby called for me.
" One minute!" I yelled back.
I came down stairs wearing a bright blue knee length dress and my black heels.
"Wow, you look hot!" He drooled.
"Thanks your not so bad yourself."
And with that we walked out .
/skip ride/
The party was crazy. everyone was either high or drunk, some both. with in the ten minutes there Colby was off talking with friends and drinking and I was well.. just drinking. after I was totally drunk I stumbled around till I found Colby.
"Hey, babe, follow me." I said and pulled him to the nearest room.

/next morning/

I have no clue on how we got home. but we did. I got up said morning to Colby. BOOM it felt like it was coming any moment.
Huuuhhhhhhhsknrnsksks! All over the bathroom. puke was everywhere!
Colby ran in and took me to the other bathroom and held my hair up for me.

A couple days have gone by and every morning I've gotten sick. it's time to go to the doctors.
We arrived and they called me in. we sat down, and answered some questions.
"Well it sounds like you are pregnant! Congratulations." Said the doc.
"What!" Colby and I yelled at once.
After the shock Colby jumped up grabbed me and spun me around chanting I'm gonna be a father!"
At first I was shocked, and nervous he would run out because of the baby. but now I know this is going to be amazing.

/6 months later/
The past six months have been crazy. Finley and cadence got married! Which was a big shock to everyone, and my father was put in jail of domestic abuse. Only 3more months to go!

/3 months later/
Tonight Colby was taking me out to a fancy restaurant, then to the local park.
"Boa are you ready!" I heard him call for me.
"Be done in a minute." I hollered back.
I came down the stairs wearing a bright blue dress that came down to my knees,and black heels. I had curled my hair and pinned it back.Colby was wearing a very sharp black suit and blue tie.
"Woah! You look hot! He exclaimed.
"Thanks. You don't look so back yourself.
And with that we walked out the door.
/at the restaurant/
The service and food were great. Tonight was very romantic. As Colby was paying the bill I felt a sharp pain, and then my water broke.
"Colby, honey, my water broke. the baby is coming!" I yelled.
"What? Oh my gosh. come on." He said as he picked me up, and carried me to the car.

/at the hospital/
"K Bao your doing great." said the doc.
"I see the head." again the doc. "okay give us one big push."I did as I was told. the room was filled with crying.
"Congratulations. it's a girl. what would you like to name her? Asked the doc.
"Payton Joy Brock." I replied.
She is 7lbs 3oz and was born on February 24th at 6:47 pm.
She is beautiful. she has Colby's eyes, my hair, his nose, & my lips.
Hope ya like it. comment what ya think. thanks for reading.

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