Young Love Murdered (Zarry Stylik Fanfic) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

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Hello to all my little kittens. This idea just came to me and I thought it would be perfect. This is my first story I have actually posted. I have a few that I have wrote but was to scared to actually post on here. I hope you like, comment and tell me what you guys think. I don't own the boys nor Eleanor, we all wish but sadly we are not there mothers. Loves and kisses. xoxo


Harry sat at the bar as he watched Louis watch Eleanor who was grinding on the dance floor. Louis had been pursuing Eleanor for the past two weeks. They had kissed but that was it. Harry knew what Louis wanted from her and he knew he was going to get it that was for sure. "Just got out there and dance her then." Harry muttered tipping his beer back to his mouth letting the liquid flow down his throat. His eyes flickered over to the brunette shaking her hips and rounding her bum towards the crowd of bodies.

"Nah, I'm hanging with you mate." Louis clapped Harry on the shoulder giving him a cheeky grin.

"Staring at Eleanor is hanging with me?" Harry shook his head and grinned back. He couldn't help it. Harry had never stayed mad at Lou for longer than one afternoon. If he was going to be honest with himself he had to admit he loved Louis more than anything. He couldn't stop it if he wanted. But Louis wanted Eleanor. Eleanor wanted Louis. It was going to happen and Harry's heart broke at the thought.

"You sure I can go dance? If you want me to stay Harry I will." Louis looked so eager. He couldn't tell him no, tell him to stay. It was selfish.

"Go on then, boobear." Harry pushed at Louis as he got up. Harry's voice was quiet though.

"Oh Hazza, you're so good to me." And off he went to the dance floor leaving Harry alone on the couch with an ache in his chest. The longer he sat there the more he wanted to rip his eyes out. The way Eleanor touched Lou. Her smile, body language all screamed sex. Louis was just lapping and sending her the same signals. Harry felt ready to throw up, scream, break something, fall to pieces and cry. He hated feeling like this. Harry's green eyes stung at the tears that wanted to be shed as he watched the boy he fancied grind his hips on the small brunette.

Harry couldn't remember what first drawn him to Louis; they had been best friends. The way his laugh always made butterflies swirl in his stomach. The way Louis's blue eyes stared into Harry's green hues with so much spirit and wonder. Louis was everything Harry wanted and Harry loved him. Loved his best friend. His straight best friend.

Two beer bottles clinked together as they were sat down onto the end table in front of Harry breaking his concentration. He felt the weight of someone sitting beside him before a arm was slung around his shoulders. Lips pressed to his ear as they shifted closer. Harry knew who it was before they spoke. "My offer still stands you know."

"No Zayn, Harry said coldly looking into Zayn's mocha colored eyes. Zayn was pouting.

"Why not?" He shifted even closer as his fingers played with the curls at the back of Harry's head. "It'll make you feel better."

"Because I'm not like that." Harry told him keeping his eyes trained on Louis's swaying body. His hand gripping his beer bottle as Eleanor ran her fingers through Louis's hair.

"Like what? Gay? I'm not gay Harry; I just like to mix it up sometimes." Zayn smirked and bit his bottom lip.

"No," Harry hissed trying to scoot away.

"Haaarrryyyy," Zayn cooed.

"I never realized how annoying you are. Just leave me alone!" Harry finally turned to face Zayn fully. "I don't want you."

"For what?" Harry heard Louis say as he plopped down on the coffee table.

"Solo practice," Zayn answered quickly smacking Harry in the back of his head. "Cheeky little bastard won't even let me practice with him."

"Because he's teasing me!" Harry huffed covering the conversation from just a few seconds ago. He hated hiding things from Louis. But it's not like he noticed, he was completely oblivious.

"Play nice kids," Louis gave them a wink and was gone again.

"Why'd you leave?" Eleanor huffed as Louis returned to her side. His hands finding their way back to her hips gripping them as he moved his pelvis against her bum.

"Had to check on Harry." Louis told her shortly glancing over worriedly to see him and Zayn arguing again. "I had to make sure he was ok."

"You're awfully protective of him Lou. Makes a girl jealous."

"Aw babe, you know I'd do the same for you." Louis pulled her to him as he gave her a soft kiss. Leaning up she whispered something in his ear causing him to smile slyly. "Later then, eh?"

"Of course. I'll be over later." She winked at him before leaving. Louis had a big night ahead of him.

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